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Here is the latest update on poor Pepe, a street dog in Jordan who was massively injured after being dragged behind a car as a sick form of punishment. There is good news and bad news on day 3.

Pepe has been put on an intravenous drip containing antibiotics and vitamin B12. He is stronger than he was, and he is now eating and drinking unaided - however, he still cannot stand. Local medical care in Aqaba, where Pepe lives, has done all it can. The next step is to transport Pepe to Amman, a four-hour car journey, where sophisticated examinations and diagnosis can take place.

The problem here is two-fold: Firstly, Jordan just entered a strict CORONA lockdown and travel is strictly regulated. Special permits are required before Pepe can be moved. Secondly, local vets say it might be best to wait a while to ensure Pepe is strong enough for the trip. It’s a waiting game. Pepe is hanging on, but it can still go either way. He is still in constant pain, but he does have a real chance of survival.


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You may ask why we are fighting so hard for one dog’s life. The answer is that we fight for every dog we can. Pepe ran after a group of children who were throwing stones at him. He was captured, cruelly tied to the back of a car, and mercilessly dragged along a road, causing horrific wounds. Poor innocent Pepe has been badly let down by humans - we want to make it up to him.

The biggest immediate challenge is that Pepe has to be nursed round the clock. Every hour we can give him intensive medical care helps and, so far, our team is managing. We promise that we will do every single thing we can do to give Pepe a chance of life.

PLEASE donate now so we can fight for Pepe’s life!


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Our partner, the Al Rabee shelter in Aqaba, Jordan, is home to 450 rescued and abused dogs. Al Rabee is the only shelter trying to help dogs like Pepe and, apart from Network for Animals’ supporters, it gets little or no help at all.

Unfortunately, the brutal murder of street dogs continues as authorities’ promises to change are broken again and again. Jordan has ignored our pleas to stop the horrendous treatment of animals as more shocking cases emerge from this warzone for dogs.

We can only imagine the outrage you feel as you read this. Please help save Pepe and the other poor street dogs who suffer this kind of cruelty in Jordan.

Humans, even those of us who love dogs, can only imagine how an animal must feel as they are tortured and killed. Please be as generous as you can today - because hours, the minutes, really do count for Pepe - he’s fighting for his life. Your donation will go towards Pepe’s medical care and help other precious dogs.

You are a dear friend of the animals and have been invaluable to Network for Animals - enabling us time and again to come to the aid of those who have no voice. We could not possibly do our work without you - and it is only thanks to your generosity that we can take immediate lifesaving action in countries such as Jordan, where street dogs are terribly abused.

Please donate right now if you possibly can.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founders Network for Animals

P.S. During the past few months, our team has seen a striking increase in shocking cruelty to street dogs - lethal poisonings and shootings. The situation on the ground is getting worse by the day. Wanton cruelty is a daily experience for street dogs. We need your help to stop it. Pepe is not the only dog in danger, but right now it is him who needs intensive medical care. With your help, we will fight for Pepe with all our might!

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