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In July, your donations helped us rush emergency aid to the four-legged victims of deadly wildfires in Greece, kept the doors of struggling animal shelters open and supported critical sterilization programs for suffering street cats and dogs worldwide. Here are the animals your compassionate heart helped us reach last month.


Rushing emergency aid to defenseless animals as devastating wildfires rage

In July, sweltering heat waves sparked widespread forest fires in southern Greece, claiming countless animal lives and leaving thousands trapped, terrified and alone. With our help, our brave partners on the ground, Alma Libre – Hellenic Animal Rescue (ALHAR), Corinthia Animal Rescue (CAR), and Make it Pawsible (MIP), worked around the clock to rescue as many cats, dogs, and farm animals as possible. They desperately needed our support to continue their critical evacuation efforts amid one of the deadliest disasters in recent years, and thanks to your generosity, we were able to rush emergency funding for veterinary care, food, and fuel for transporting animals to vets for critical treatment and to areas of safety. Your donations helped us save the lives of hundreds of helpless, displaced and wounded animals who would have otherwise perished in the fires. Thank you for being a hero for animals in their hour of need.

Read the original article here.



Relocating 174 donkeys rescued from abuse to a beautiful sanctuary in France

In Israel, donkeys are treated with sickening cruelty by people who have never been taught that animal cruelty is wrong. Donkeys are starved, brutally beaten, and worked to the bone, often collapsing from extreme exhaustion or succumbing to their horrific injuries. Our partner, the Starting Over Sanctuary (SOS) in the Moshav Herut region of central Israel, saves countless donkeys from deplorable conditions like these. But the shelter is now inundated with over 680 donkeys, and with the skyrocketing costs of food and veterinary care, it is on the brink of closure.

We plan to ease pressure on the sanctuary and the hundreds of formerly abused and neglected donkeys that call it home by carrying out a massive emergency relocation of 174 donkeys to the beautiful and well-vetted La Tanière sanctuary in France, just outside of Paris. We have not yet reached our fundraising goal, but are wholeheartedly committed to continuing our critical efforts to keep the doors of SOS open and provide the donkeys in its care with the second chance at a happy life that they so desperately deserve. These animals have suffered a horrific ordeal - we CANNOT give up on them. Please stand with us!

Read the original article here.



Supporting the critical rescue, sterilization, and treatment of suffering street animals

Right now, a crisis for dogs and cats is spiraling out of control in Serbia. Roaming the streets unsterilized and unwanted, they are left to breed indiscriminately, exacerbating a cycle of neglect, abuse, and misery. In rural areas, misguided people routinely kill street animals in an attempt to control their populations. Cats and dogs are sometimes strung up in trees to die or have their legs or heads chopped off. We work with several struggling animal shelters that rescue, shelter and care for as many dogs and cats as they can. But these shelters are stretched far beyond their capacity, and many are on the brink of closure - leaving countless helpless animals at risk of finding themselves back on the streets.

One of our partner shelters, Vucjak near Kragujevac, has 1,500 abandoned dogs in its care, 300 of whom need immediate sterilization. We reached out to you, and through your support, we are thrilled to announce that we have ensured that the doors of Vucjak are kept open AND are supporting the shelter’s critical rescue, sterilization, and treatment programs. Your donations have made a significant difference in the lives of cats and dogs who have known nothing but pain and suffering.

Read the original article here.



Constructing a critically needed clinic for cats in crisis

On the Gili islands of Indonesia, a heartbreaking situation is unfolding for street cats, who find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of torment, unimaginable hardships, and sheer neglect. Street cats are left to breed indiscriminately, meaning that more and more helpless kittens are being born into lives of unimaginable suffering. We are working with the LUNI Lombok Charity to help the cats - supporting their daily feeding programs, regular trap-neuter-release (TNR) programs and critical veterinary treatments. There is no veterinary care on any of the Gili Islands, which means that even if local people were motivated to sterilize cats, there would be no one qualified to do it. We reached out to you with a desperate plea to support our critical, long-term solution: a fully equipped animal clinic and shelter for cats. Thanks to your compassionate hearts and generosity, we have begun construction on a first-of-its-kind cat clinic in the region! This is not just a building but a beacon of hope for thousands of abused and neglected cats.

Read the original article here.


Latest Updates

Worldwide - Mandela Day. On July 18th, NFA celebrated South Africa’s iconic former president Nelson Mandela’s legacy of service and unity by donating 67 bags (over ONE TON) of cat and dog food to our partner, Fallen Angels. This contribution will make a significant difference in nourishing the animals in their care and providing them with the love they deserve! Watch the video


Hidalgo, Mexico - Molly’s marvelous Monday. You may remember courageous Molly, a Mexican street dog who suffered unimaginable pain that left her permanently blind. Molly was rescued by the remarkable Fiona Animal Refuge (FAR) team and has since found her forever home in sunny Los Angeles, California! Watch the video…


Arusha, Tanzania - Triumph for the parched donkeys of Mirongoine. Some time ago, we told you about the 1,000 overworked donkeys who are forced to carry back-breaking loads to and from a local market every week with no rest, food, or water. Through your support, we were recently able to construct a shaded shelter and pump with an ample amount of water for these desperately thirsty donkeys. This is a huge improvement in their lives, and it was only made possible by your unwavering generosity - thank you! Read more.


Pamplemousses, Mauritius - Good news for our four-legged friends. In collaboration with Second Chance Animal Rescue (SCAR), we are building a foster facility to provide temporary shelter for unwanted and neglected dogs. It's the first of its kind on the island, offering a safe place where these dogs will be fed and cared for by animal experts while they await forever homes. Your donations play a vital role in achieving this important goal. But we're not finished yet! Read more and donate today.


Bethlehem, Palestine - Rescued Cats Find New Lives in the USA. WONDERFUL news: Our partner, Animal and Environment Association (AEA) in Palestine, has successfully relocated five rescued cats to 'The Cat House on the Kings' in California, USA. Bello, Zara, Atari, Sassi, and Carlo are now living their best lives in a no-cage, no-kill sanctuary. Your ongoing support makes success stories like these possible! Read more.


Cape Town, South Africa - Keeping tails wagging amid miserable weather. Recently, heavy rains completely flooded the road leading to our partner shelter, Fallen Angels. Dogs were left cold, wet, and scared, but thanks to your continued support, we were able to purchase a pump to quickly extract the water from the flooded areas. Thank you for being a friend to animals in desperate need. Watch the video…


Corinth, Greece - A remarkable story of courage and resilience. Good news: Frida, the sweetest three-legged dog from Corinth, Greece, is making great progress after recent surgery. Following the removal of her hind leg, Frida has been under the dedicated care of veterinarians and has since been recovering well in a foster home. Despite her challenging past, Frida's determination and zest for life are truly inspiring. Your compassionate heart supported Frida on this journey, and we are eternally grateful! Read more.


Harare, Zimbabwe - Providing rescued dogs with the safe haven they deserve. The Friend Animal Foundation (FAF) is a no-kill shelter that serves as a sanctuary for almost 500 canine residents, over a hundred cats, and even a few farm animals! Recently, we contributed towards the repair, repainting, and rebuilding of 20 dog enclosures, as well as the construction of new, closed-off runs which enables the dogs to exercise, socialize and play in a safe, sunny environment. They are comfortable and happy - thanks to you! Read more.


In the News

Experts warn about feline coronavirus after ‘thousands’ of cat deaths in Cyprus. Read more.

Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in July. They are deeply grateful for your kindness, and so are we.

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Banner credit: Reuters; In the News credits: Image 1: Siqui Sanchez

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