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The burnt township emergency worsens - please, can you help NOW?

Five days ago, a devastating fire swept through the slum township of Masiphumelele near Cape Town, burning thousands of homes to the ground and leaving some 1,500 dogs and cats homeless. Many of the animals were burnt in the raging fire and our team has been on the ground for days, searching for injured and burnt animals that have fled into the nearby marsh. In today’s search and rescue mission, the marsh has become completely saturated which has made it even more difficult for our team to access. The lost and hiding, frightened, injured animals now have no way to know how to get home and we must help them.

No one knows how many animals were hurt but our partner on the ground, TEARS, says it expects HUNDREDS OF DOGS AND CATS
are still missing and will need medical treatment over the next few days!


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The shantytown lies right next to a wetland wilderness and most of the animals have taken refuge in the thick vegetation there. Most are still too frightened to show themselves and that means that sadly, some will die there. For days, we’ve been searching the almost impenetrable marsh and surrounding areas for what we know must be hundreds of homeless animals. Those we find will need urgent and intensive medical treatment and, very importantly, love because right now these poor creatures are totally traumatized, but lucky to still be alive no matter how pain they are feeling.

Please, please will you donate now to help us save lives?

This EMERGENCY is unfolding NOW!


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We need your help to prepare for an overwhelming number of injured and burnt animals and continue the dangerous and difficult search for those terrified and hiding in the marshlands. We need so much help, medicine, dressings and food, of course.

TEARS has one small operating theatre which we equipped, and we know it’s going to be working 24-hours-a-day for the immediate future. Food and medicine is running low. Please, this is not something that can wait. We must continue to help, and we can only help if you and other animal lovers like you, make a donation today. 

Please send help now!


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The fire spread at such incredible speed that it’s hard to describe the blistering inferno that engulfed over a thousand homes. Now the area is being totally demolished by intimidating bulldozers, with armed guards keeping people from the scene. Animals don’t know how to get home. We must find them.

We are already running out of medicine, please help now!

With your help, we can save terrified dogs and cats, keep them alive with food, water, and shelter, and reunite lost animals and families. Thanks to generous supporters, we are able to get assistance to TEARS and keep working on the ground. But there is so much more to be done.

Even in the midst of disaster, animal lovers know what is important…

As the final pieces of their homes are crushed and removed by bulldozers, terrified dogs and cats don’t know where to go for help.

You as an animal lover know how important animals are and that is why we risk everything to save them. This is a volatile and dangerous situation, but we have to keep searching for those lost, terrified and possible gravely injured animals. They may well die without us. 

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. If you possibly can, please donate so we can help all those animals, who are right now burnt and suffering and waiting for us to rescue them. Please donate right away and please be as generous as you can

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