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December 28, 2024

Here’s a snapshot of the lives you helped save in 2024!

In just 12 months, our supporters helped us save tens of thousands of animals in 26 countries around the world!

Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

From rushing emergency aid to dogs and cats trapped in war zones and natural disasters, to feeding, sterilizing and vaccinating dogs and cats in impoverished nations, to lobbying for improved animal welfare, your support is saving countless animal lives.

But as 2024 comes to a close, we must turn our attention to the challenges that still lie ahead. Read on for a sneak peek at a few of our successes in 2024, and the campaigns we need to focus on in 2025 and beyond.

Here are just a few of the ways YOU helped us crusade for animals around the world in 2024.

With almost 100 partners in 26 countries, your donations have fueled impressive work for dogs, cats, donkeys and horses. Here are three of our biggest achievements in 2024.

Saving animals from suffering and death in the Ukraine war.

When war erupted in Ukraine, an untold number of dogs and cats were left to fend for themselves amongst the ruins, dying of starvation, dehydration, disease and shot by heartless enemy soldiers.

From the outbreak of the war, we have worked alongside our partners to rescue thousands of animal victims – and we are still saving lives in the war zone to this day. This year, you helped us provide life-saving vet care, supplies, literal tons of food, vehicle repairs, vaccinations and so much more.

Protecting and treating thousands of animals in poverty-stricken Tanzania.

Earlier this year, you helped us provide a fully-equipped mobile clinic for our Tanzanian partner, including an operating theater, medication storage and electricity for lighting and heating. And on World Rabies Day, your support empowered our team – along with 50 volunteer vets – to vaccinate 4,880 dogs across 20 designated vaccination sites in Mwanza, Tanzania.

Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

Rescuing abused Spanish greyhounds from the deadly hunting industry.

Every year, as many as 500,000 Spanish greyhounds (also called galgos) are bred for the hunting industry, and tens of thousands are discarded and killed when they are no longer seen as ‘useful’. These innocent dogs are then routinely hanged, drowned, and beaten to death for ‘disrespecting’ their owners.

With your help, we financially support three galgo rescue centers in Spain and are in an ongoing battle in Spanish courts to give galgos the legal protection they deserve. In September this year, our partner, the Brady Hunter Foundation, matched your donations up to $23,000 (around £18,160), enabling us to fully fund a new vehicle so our team could continue saving lives.

Credit: Galgos Del Sur

As we look back on the lives we helped save in 2024, we must also look ahead to the animals that still need us in 2025 and beyond.

The sad reality of animal welfare is that the work we do is restricted by the resources we have at hand. Network for Animals is an independent non-profit organization, which means we get no financial assistance from any government, public or private institution.

Everything we do, we do through your support – and the more support you give, the more lives we are able to save. As we look ahead to the new year, these are the campaigns that most need our attention.

Building a new home for 440 animals evicted from a South African shelter due to nuclear plant safety concerns.

Our long-time partner shelter in South Africa, Fallen Angels, is being evicted because of safety regulation concerns at a nearby nuclear power station. By the time you read this, we will have just over a month to relocate all their animals, including 350 dogs and cats, or risk them being seized and euthanized by the authorities.

We have secured a new plot of land and have started constructing fences, but other crucial infrastructure still needs to be built, and we are scrambling to raise funds to finish construction before it’s too late. You can donate to this cause here.

Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

Expanding a crucial sterilization program to tackle the Mexican street cat crisis.

Our partner in Mexico, Fiona Animal Rescue, is the only organization helping animals in the Hidalgo region, north of Mexico City. Earlier this year, they identified several street cat colonies that were expanding at an alarming rate due to unchecked breeding.

We funded 42 sterilizations to help control the population and reduce disease, but there are still 143 cats that need to be sterilized. We must raise the funds to complete this program before even more kittens are born into suffering on the streets. Donate to this cause here.

Supporting a crucial animal welfare shelter in a gang-ridden region of Uruguay.

Our partner in Uruguay, the Animal Protection Association (APA), is home to more than 350 rescued dogs and cats, and provides essential animal welfare services for many more. They are constantly rescuing more animals in need, providing food, shelter, medical care, sterilizations, vaccinations and more, while trying to find their forever homes. 

We support the APA with a monthly grant, but with so many animals in need on Uruguayan streets, it’s not enough. Our partner has racked up $10,000 in debt across two veterinarians, and soon, the vets may start turning animals away. If we cannot repay their debts, injured and abandoned animals will soon be left to suffer. You can help stop this from happening by donating here.

Credit: NFA/Vic Dobry

With your continued support, we can make EVEN MORE of a difference for animals in 2025 – and beyond!

As we look forward to another year dedicated to crusading for animals worldwide, we are imploring you to join us on our mission by donating generously today.

Credit: Mashala Shelter

For the animals, 

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO & Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Your support has made an enormous difference for tens of thousands of animals in 2024, and we want to keep that momentum going. Please donate today so we can work together to create a brighter future for animals large and small around the globe.