For 10,000 suffering cats who call Kenya’s Lamu Archipelago home, every day is a desperate fight for survival – plagued by constant hunger, disease and the chilling threat of being stuffed into a sack and thrown into the ocean because some people see you as nothing more than a “nuisance.”

A single unsterilized cat can give birth to 16 kittens each year, leading to thousands of sick, starving street cats across Lamu Island.
No matter which winding road you take on the island of Lamu, you will inevitably stumble upon countless emaciated cats and kittens scrounging for scraps from open sewers and filthy rubbish heaps. Almost all of them are sick – eyes swollen and filled with pus from untreated infections, fur matted and patchy from mange, and tiny faces disfigured from cancerous growths.
As animal-lovers, we know you agree that no creature deserves to live in such pain. But with your support, we can break the tragic cycle of birth, hunger, disease and death for the helpless, suffering cats of Lamu.

Please help us give Lamu’s cats the gift of a better, healthier life.
Sterilization is the key. It prevents more kittens from being born into these harsh conditions, and once sterilized, cats are far less likely to develop and spread deadly diseases. Cat flu, mange, rabies and various forms of cancer are ravaging the area’s cats – our sterilization program is designed to stop these pandemics in their tracks.
In 2021, we launched a critical trap-neuter-return (TNR) program, and have worked to sterilize as many suffering street cats as possible on the islands of Lamu and Pate. Thanks to your continued generosity, we have successfully sterilized 2,962 cats since 2021 – averaging almost 1,000 sterilizations each year.

While it pains us deeply to see so many cats in Lamu still living in agony, it is SO heart-warming to encounter the cats we have already sterilized – marked with a small ear notch and thriving in a safer environment. Today, you have the opportunity to help us reach even more cats in need.
The kindest thing you can do for the desperate cats of Lamu is help us sterilize them.
Together, we can give suffering street cats the gift of a better, healthier life – a life free from the endless cycle of birth, excruciating disease and death. We desperately need the support of cat-lovers like you to continue our life-saving work into 2025 and beyond.

It costs just $20 (£15) to sterilize one cat, and the more you give, the more lives we can change for the better. Please donate to Network for Animals today and help us save Lamu’s helpless, suffering cats from hunger, disease and death – one sterilization at a time.