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November 27, 2024

Up to 3 million street dogs could be slaughtered in Morocco because of FIFA World Cup.

The North African monarchy of Morocco is trying to impress the international football association FIFA by ‘cleaning the streets’ of any and all dogs – and they’re doing it by massacring them. Witnesses report ear-splitting gunshots fading away, followed by the heart-wrenching cries of injured and dying dogs. Those who do not fall to the bullets are beaten to death with shovels by local officials.

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Modern societies do not kill dogs in the name of sports! 

FIFA has chosen three countries, including Morocco, to host the 2030 World Cup. But this decision is not yet set in stone. 

FIFA officials say they are ‘thoroughly investigating’ the bid and conducting site visits to areas where matches may be held. Before the officials arrive at these sites in Morocco, local authorities have embarked on a street dog massacre. Dogs are being poisoned, shot and beaten to death, just for existing.

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Those that are not killed on the streets are routinely rounded up and sent to crowded, underfunded municipal shelters where they are routinely poisoned. There are reports of animals being crammed into tight spaces, sprayed with water, and electrocuted at these ‘shelters.’

The International Animal Welfare and Protection Coalition estimates that as many as 3 million dogs could be killed in the lead up to the 2030 FIFA World Cup, unless this is stopped now.  

Moroccan authorities are so committed to killing as many dogs as possible before FIFA officials arrive, they are breaking their own laws to do it.

Moroccan laws forbid the culling of street dogs, but the authorities continue to do kill them, while police turn a blind eye.

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We are doing everything we can to save as many lives as we can, but the scale of the slaughter is overwhelming and we need your support

We have worked in Morocco for years, supporting various animal welfare initiatives, including successful trap-neuter-vaccinate-release (TNVR) programs. But with death squads roaming the streets, killing every dog they see, shelter workers are terrified of releasing animals back onto the streets. Now, the dogs are not released but kept safe at the increasingly overcrowded shelters.

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Our partner shelters are bursting at the seams and resources stretched to breaking point. 

Funds are running out, yet more food and medical care is needed to look after the additional dogs until the carnage ends. If we can raise $15,000 (£12,000), we can help feed and care for 1000 dogs for a month.  

With your help, we will care for as many as we can, while revealing this awful secret to the world and putting pressure on the authorities to stop the killing.

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Please, join us in this massive rescue mission by donating as much as you can today.

For the animals, 

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO & Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Street dogs are being massacred in Morocco in the name of football. Please help us care for them and fight the slaughter by donating generously today.