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April 22, 2024

Donkeys starving as African drought wreaks havoc!

Zimbabwe has declared a state of disaster as a devastating drought brings the country to its knees. As always, in times of crisis, the animals are in serious trouble, and the rescued donkeys at our partner sanctuary are badly affected.

Image1_credit_NFA_Haldon Krog
NFA/Haldon Krog

Donkeys are DESPERATELY HUNGRY as drought destroys food sources in Zimbabwe. Please, help us feed them before they starve!

Since 2018, you have helped us support abused, beaten, starved and maimed donkeys rescued by our partner, Matabeleland Animal Rescue and Equine Sanctuary (MARES). Before they are rescued, these gentle creatures routinely endure some of the worst abuse meted out to animals, on top of being overworked, underfed and pushed to their limits.

Many were moments from agonizing death when they were rescued, and many owe their second chance to caring people like you. But now, as they face the pain of starvation, they urgently need your help once more.

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With the drought decimating natural food sources, wild donkeys in Zimbabwe walk up to 12 miles (20 kilometers) every day looking for something to eat. Credit: NFA/Haldon Krog

Zimbabwe’s drought is getting worse, and there is no end in sight.

We have an innovative plan to help save donkey lives. Please, the donkeys need your help now!

With the drought predicted to stretch well into 2025, we know that this crisis is only going to get worse, so we have formulated a plan to establish a sustainable, long-term food source for the donkeys.

Our moringa tree project aims to cultivate 4,500 moringa trees – also known as ‘Miracle Trees’ – to provide adequate sustenance to the animals. Drought-resistant moringas are fast-growing and renowned for their nutritional benefits for both humans and donkeys. All parts of the tree can be used, particularly for nutritional, medicinal, and water purification purposes. Crucially, they do not require much water, easily surviving on hardly any water after their first two months of growth.

Credit: MARES

We have secured a 2,100-acre (863-hectare) farm with a 99-year lease near Hwange National Park. The farm is expected to yield 3.5 tons of moringa mulch annually – enough to feed 500 donkeys every year – and planting is underway. The farm has a working borehole and large-capacity water tank to ensure water is available if and when the trees require it.

Once harvested, the edible parts of the tree will be turned into pellets to feed the starving donkeys.

Cultivating drought-resistant moringa trees will provide 500 donkeys with enough food a year, every year! Please help us feed starving donkeys NOW!

With food rapidly running out and no hint of rain, we have no time to lose.

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Credit: NFA/Haldon Krog

If we raise the funds, the first yield will be ready in roughly two months, so we have no time to waste. We are preparing the fields as you read this, but we must raise funds for more saplings, as well as the cost of harvesting and pelletizing the food, storing it, and rushing it to donkeys in urgent need.

Currently, the MARES’ donkey sanctuary, which we financially support, has nearly 100 donkeys. The moringa trees will allow them to provide food for hundreds more.

This project will not only feed these rescued donkeys during this immediate crisis but also provide a sustainable food source for many more far into the future.

Please help us raise $15,000 (roughly £12,000) to support crucial steps in this critical feeding program immediately! Hungry donkeys need your support right now.

Your donation will also secure food for hungry animals for generations to come.

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Credit: NFA/Haldon Krog

Donkeys have served mankind since time immemorial. Will you help repay their generations of service by providing food solutions for the donkeys we care so deeply about? *|FNAME|*, will you be their lifeline today?

The sooner you donate, the sooner we can start. With a cold, dry winter around the corner, it has never been more important to get the animals fed than right now!

Please donate as generously as you can right away. Together, we can provide a life-saving food supply for the desperately hungry donkeys of Zimbabwe.

For the animals, 

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. In Zimbabwe, drought is causing crops to fail and animals to starve. Please, help us plant nutritious, fast-growing, drought-resistant moringa trees NOW so we can feed starving donkeys. They are counting on your support today – so please, donate right away!