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Network for Animals is a voice for everyone who wants to protect the animals who share our planet. We work around the world, receive no government grants and rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our vital work for animals. With your help, we will continue to make this world a better place for animals and people.

Giving Tuesday December 3rd - the international day of giving - the animals we help would be grateful for your kind donation.

Dogs in Distress

Network for Animals’ Dogs in Distress campaign aims to address the hardship suffered by street dogs around the world. We support animal shelters in 14 countries and provide spay and neuter programs and medical rescue missions in ten. Our aim is to make street dog lives free of pain and suffering – lives full of joy and compassion, protected by the governments of the countries in which they live and supported by caring and responsible people.

Network for Animals works tirelessly for dogs, often in desperately poor places - Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, the Philippines, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay among them. We work 365 days a year, and always have a team ready to go where the need is greatest. In many areas we face threats and physical danger from criminals who benefit from dog-fighting or forced breeding, but we never turn our backs. We cannot be afraid. Nothing will stop us from doing our vital work.

Fighting to stop donkeys being wiped out

A desperate battle is being waged to stop donkeys being wiped out around the globe because of insatiable Chinese demand for their skins. In South Africa, Network for Animals supports the Karoo Donkey Sanctuary, providing food and medical care for donkeys rescued from the donkey skin trade.

In Kenya, we exposed a situation at a slaughterhouse where 2,000 donkeys a month are killed for Chinese buyers. In Zimbabwe, we work with MARES, a donkey sanctuary combating cruelty, and fighting to end the donkey skin trade.

On the Greek island of Santorini, we exposed horrific cruelty inflicted on donkeys every day, forced to repeatedly climb a 1,000 foot cliff in the peak of the summer, without food or water. Animal welfare laws are ignored; we are pressing for reform.

Network for Animals campaigns against the cruel and illegal practice of organized horse fighting

Network for Animals has nearly halved the number of illegal horse fights taking place in Mindanao, in the Southern Philippines. In this shocking blood sport, horses are forced to fight to the death over a chained and helpless female. Our aim is to completely wipe out this filthy ‘sport’ through grassroots involvement, education, lobbying and raising public awareness, all with the help of you, our dedicated supporters.

Saving Africa’s animals

Iconic African animals including elephants and rhinos are under attack from highly organized criminal networks that are feeding demand for ivory and rhino horn in Asian countries.

Network for Animals is relocating elephant families to an area of South Africa where they were hunted to extinction 150 years ago, and where they are now safe from poachers.

We have moved an elephant with big tusks to the Addo Elephant National Park where he will breed with tuskless elephants, and reintroduce the tusk gene into the Addo herds.

We also provide scientific equipment and finance anti-poaching patrols.

In times of crisis, Network for Animals is there to help

Alongside Network for Animals’ world-changing campaigns for animal welfare, we are here to provide assistance to animals and their owners in times of natural disaster. Hurricanes, typhoons, wildfires and more can impact the animals with little notice. Network for Animals remains aware and ready for disaster relief whenever and wherever we can provide assistance.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

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