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We have received a desperate plea for help to save four ponies in England who will have to be put down if we can’t rescue them. We are trying to raise £5,000 to move them to safety and give them urgent medical care.

We have just hours to SAVE these doomed ponies. We CAN and we WILL - with your help today!


Five ponies were dumped and left to die - sadly, one was so severely injured he could not be saved, another is in desperate need of medical attention.

If we can raise £5,000, we can save the surviving four ponies, move them 200 miles (320 kilometers) to Bodmin, and provide the food and medical care they urgently need. Because one is so ill, the sooner they can be moved the better. Time is of the essence.

Ponies are tough little creatures, and with proper care, all four will fully recover. Your donation will help save four lives. It’s that simple.

Ponies who help vulnerable children also need food and care…


Hugs already looks after 40 horses and ponies – most rescued from cruel situations or heartlessly abandoned. These animals are also in danger because the good people at Hugs are struggling to feed and care for them and is worried this will affect its project helping challenged children. Hugs gives vulnerable kids the opportunity to meet and mingle with ponies and after ponies come into their lives, many children experience long-term improvements in their emotional and mental health.

With your help, perhaps the children will have four new ponies to meet when lockdowns end.

We must help get these ponies through the corona crisis. It’s something we have to do.

The ponies bring children such joy. If we can rescue these four precious little creatures - who are so close to being killed - they will live in safety and repay your generosity by helping children in need.

In this time of the corona crisis, we are flooded with requests for help from around the world.  We are doing our best to help everywhere we can. We can never recall a time when your donation is more desperately needed. Please, if you possibly can, donate generously today.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founders Network for Animals

P.S. We have a chance to do some real good here. With your donation, we can save four doomed ponies, feed and care for others and help vulnerable kids. Please help us by donating right now.

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