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Recently, we told you about brave Danijela Vuksanovic, who cares for 140 dogs near Kolasin in Montenegro. Danijela is suffering from advanced cancer and fears the dogs will be killed should she die. The local municipality says killing all the dogs is allowed by law, and so Danijela’s fears were very real.

Our team met with local authorities, saying we would fight for the life of every single dog. The result is that the authorities have backed down… to some degree. They have promised $2,300 (£1,700) towards dog food over the next year and said they won’t kill the dogs if Danijela dies.

The authorities DID NOT PROMISE, they made NO GUARANTEE - that the dogs would not be sent to kill shelters (where they would be killed after 30 days if no one adopts them). Without our constant vigilance, the dogs might still die.

Our fight to help these dogs is far from over!
The need for your continued support is stronger than ever.

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Also, the money the municipality has promised is nowhere near enough to feed 140 dogs through the freezing cold, snowy winter that is about to hit them, and the dogs urgently need better shelter. They live in open areas with nowhere to take refuge from icy rain and biting wind.

There is no electricity, and only the sickest of the dogs can take shelter - “shelter” being an abandoned house in a terrible state of disrepair that Danijela rents.


Danijela has no money, and the municipality says it has no budget to do more, so it’s up to us and animal lovers like you to help these dogs.

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Danijela is doing the very best she can, but she has breast and ovarian cancer which has spread throughout her body, and she is now unable to work. Looking after the dogs takes every ounce of her energy. She is sick and poor and terrified for the dogs.

Danijela doesn’t know how long she has to live.
She desperately wants to know that her 140 babies will survive even if she does not.


Danijela has thought of turning the dogs loose in the rural area where she lives because of her concerns that the authorities will send them to kill shelters if they think no one was watching (Don’t worry, we will not take our eyes off the situation!). But she says that is not the answer because last winter, 100 street dogs in the area were poisoned. Danijela says it is commonly believed that municipal workers killed them.

These dogs have nowhere to go. At the moment, their only hope is Danijela, who is very ill indeed, and you. We have promised to help provide food and kenneling throughout the winter, while Danijela continues her draining medical treatment - and we have already sent her $5,500 (£4,000) for the dogs.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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We are now trying to raise another $6,000 (£4,300) to get them through the rest of winter. We have also instructed our team in Montenegro to draft a legal challenge to force the municipality to do what Montenegrin law says it must do and create a proper shelter for the dogs. Our team has already had the first meeting with town officials.

We are working to make a new shelter a reality, but in the meantime, our hearts go out to the 140 hungry dogs and the brave, desperately ill woman helping them. Please join the fight for Danijela’s dogs by donating today as generously as you possibly can.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. It’s hard for animal lovers like us to understand, but for local officials, dogs are simply not a priority. We know from bitter experience how often promises are broken and street dogs suffer as a result. If you donate today, you will be doing more to help the dogs than the politicians will ever do. Please send what you can right now and help bring these poor creatures a brighter future.

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