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We must tell you about a blood-thirsty and violent sport that is forcing man’s best friend to become a killing machine on demand. The situation is as urgent as it is despicable, and we desperately need your help to save lives and stop the barbarity in its tracks!

In the Valley of a Thousand Hills near Durban, South Africa – an area with a long history of warfare and carnage – sadly, the misery continues today for thousands of dogs exploited by illegal hunting syndicates.

Known as “taxi hunts” this cruel and barbaric sport sees groups of up to 30 men and packs of more than 100 starved, frightened and maltreated street dogs set out to kill. Dogs in these hunts are deliberately starved – they are fed just enough to keep them clinging to life. The dogs are sent to hunt small animals and are not efficient killers. They rip pieces from their victims while they are still ALIVE!


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Mostly, the dogs hunt blue and crowned crane birds – which in the past ten years, have been depleted by 90% because of the dogs' indiscriminate use and are now critically endangered.

The illegal hunts are highly organized. They start and end with social events where crowds gather, mingle and laugh before the murders begin. Dogs are rated and bets are placed. Judges decide which dogs have killed or performed best, and the bookies then make the pay-outs.

Dogs who don’t “make money” are killed, often in gruesome ways. Countless more are abandoned with broken bones and festering wounds.

Dogs like poor Duke need your help right now.


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Our team found Duke, a greyhound in terrible condition among a pack of hungry and desperate dogs. This sweet-natured boy was frightened and in pain.

He was missing an eye, sick and bleeding. Our hearts broke for Duke as we witnessed his appalling condition and absorbed the horrific reality of the situation. We rushed Duke to the vet where he will receive round-the-clock care.

Duke’s medical care is expensive – but we are COMMITTED to ensuring that he will never have to suffer again! Once he is strong enough, Duke will be transported to a temporary safe haven. Hopefully, he will find a loving forever home.

Please will you open your heart and help us give Duke the best possible chance?


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Working with KZN Valley Dogs, we are trying to help change the horrific situation for dogs in this area. Every Sunday for the last five years, KZN Valley Dogs and its small team of volunteers have dedicated themselves to feeding and caring for these broken dogs. These good-hearted people have never missed a single Sunday – and they vow they never will. It warms our hearts to see the dogs patiently waiting for the feeding vehicles to arrive, wagging their tails with happiness when they come.

We urgently need your help to put more rescue operations in place so we can save more lives. Your donation will go towards helping Duke recover AND ensuring that we feed and rescue as many dogs as we can.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founders Network for Animals

P.S. It’s so painful for us to imagine what these poor dogs endure. All street dogs in South Africa have tough lives. But these dogs have an extra horror to deal with - they are captured by men who starve them until they are so hungry that they tear innocent birds to pieces to get a chunk of living flesh to eat! It’s truly sickening. Please, donate today to help us put an end to these barbaric hunts.

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