Banner_credit_Oaza Shelter Banner_credit_Oaza Shelter

My team works in countries where animals face unimaginable suffering – countries such as Serbia, where dogs are ruthlessly slaughtered almost every day.

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Coco was abandoned at our partner shelter in a terrible condition. Credit: OAZA Shelter

Heartless thugs roam the streets, murdering helpless animals in horrific ways, and the law does nothing.

Poison, gunshots, blunt force trauma – these are all distressingly common causes of death for dogs eking out a meager survival on Serbian streets. 

The team even found a dog that had been killed with a crossbow.

Almost nowhere is safe for Serbian dogs.

Those that do not die at the hands of citizens are targeted by the authorities, who send them to underfunded ‘shelters’ where they are routinely killed and dumped in landfills.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

The sights are almost too shocking to bear: Lifeless bodies piled on dumpsites, some of which still have the microchips that show they were once someone’s pets.

In a country where citizens and authorities alike are determined to eradicate dogs, few animal-lovers are fighting to save them.

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Our partner, OAZA shelter on the outskirts of Belgrade, works tirelessly to save as many dogs as they can. Many of the dogs they save arrive in a terrible condition, requiring immediate and expensive life-saving surgery.

But in a nation where few support animal welfare organizations, OAZA is struggling to pay its vet bills. Without help, they will be unable to save animals who so desperately need them – animals like Luna and Coco, who were found tied to the shelter’s ramshackle fence.

Luna and Coco were abandoned in a horrific state – skinny, starving and severely traumatized.

Tragically, one of Coco’s eyes was terribly injured, requiring immediate emergency surgery.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

We suspect both dogs were used for dog-fighting, a horrific bloodsport that locals bet money on. Despite dog-fighting being illegal under Serbian law, this is yet another cruel practice that is distressingly common – we have even heard reports of police placing bets on which dog will tear the other apart.

Our partner is busy seeking justice for the dogs by initiating court proceedings against the dogs’ owner, hoping to hold him accountable for the abject cruelty he imposed on these poor animals.

Both dogs received the care they so desperately needed and are now safe and happy at the shelter. But unless we can raise the funds they need, the team will be forced to leave dogs like Coco and Luna at the mercy of the streets.

With funds running low, crucial surgeries are being delayed.

More injured, abused and traumatized dogs pour into the shelter almost every week. Even now, more dogs are waiting for life-saving surgeries and treatments – dogs like Mitse, who was run over by a car and is now suffering from a broken spine. Until she gets the critical but expensive surgery she needs, she will not be able to move her back legs.

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Mitse was hit by a car and suffered a broken spine. Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

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Without your support, Mitse may never walk again – but with your support, we can give her and many other dogs like her the second chance they deserve. 

We must support the incredible work our partner is doing as soon as possible, so they can continue saving vulnerable dogs from the terrors they face on Serbian streets. 

Please join us on our mission to save animals from suffering by donating whatever you can today.

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Unless we rush funds to our partner, more animals like Coco and Luna will go without the treatment, shelter and care they so desperately need. Please give as generously as you can to help us save even more lives today.

Banner credit: OAZA Shelter

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