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Every week, our fearless partner, Fallen Angels, ventures into the dangerous, gang-ridden slums of Cape Town, South Africa, risking their lives to rescue sick, neglected and injured animals who have no one else to turn to.

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Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

We are the LAST HOPE for thousands of forgotten and suffering animals.

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Street dogs and puppies in these violent gang-controlled areas are trapped in a heartbreaking cycle of suffering. The animals are starved to the brink of death, chained, beaten and forced to fight each other to the death for money. And, with no access to life-saving medication and vaccines, many are left defenseless against infections, deadly outbreaks of parvo, distemper, and other terrible illnesses – diseases that can be prevented and treated. 

In these impoverished communities, some people genuinely want to help their pets, but most survive on less than $100 per month and cannot afford to care for themselves, let alone their animals. Tragically, other cruel-hearted individuals intentionally inflict severe abuse and neglect on these dogs, compounding their suffering in already desperate circumstances. 

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Credit: NFA/Zara King

Because there are so many dogs in need, our brave, dedicated team is facing extreme financial pressure. Their shelter is bursting at the seams with 300 rescued dogs and cats, and they also support around 400 animals in the impoverished, struggling communities of Atlantis and Mitchell’s Plain – yet they continue to treat and save more suffering animals every week.  

Sterilization and vaccination are vital in these areas. Left unchecked, the animal population spirals out of control, leading to more suffering and the rampant spread of deadly diseases such as parvo and distemper. 

Sterilization and vaccination campaigns are crucial to stop the cycle of suffering, and to protect animals from horrific, life-threatening diseases.

Distemper wreaks havoc on infected dogs, attacking their respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, paralysis and, heartbreakingly, death. 

Parvo is equally devastating and deadly, attacking the gastrointestinal tract and causing severe symptoms like weakness, vomiting, weight loss and bloody diarrhea. Without medical attention, these diseases are often fatal.

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Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

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No dog should suffer like this. We have a plan to help them.

Our team does its best to reach hundreds of animals in these dangerous slums, but in a country where the median salary is just over $300 (around £227) per month, few locals can support their work, and they can only afford to sterilize, vaccinate and treat a handful of animals each month. 

We have an unmissable and incredibly important opportunity to sterilize and vaccinate 35% of stray dogs in one of South Africa’s most violent, poverty-stricken areas.

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Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

Recently, our partner received funds to sterilize 175 dogs in the crime-riddled area of Atlantis. While this is a great start, it is far from enough in an area where an estimated 1,000 animals struggle to survive every day.

YOU have the power to DOUBLE this life-saving initiative. With your support, we can match this number and sterilize 350 dogs, preventing countless puppies from being born into misery. 

Your donation will also enable us to vaccinate dogs against the death-dealing parvo and distemper viruses, and to provide crucial food for starving animals.

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For every $20 (£15) we raise, we can sterilize a dog and vaccinate them against parvo and distemper. 

For just $20, YOU can save a life.


Credit: NFA/Kendal Devy

By supporting our vaccination and sterilization campaign, your donations can save many more lives by preventing them from catching these deadly diseases in the first place.

With your support, we can bring hope to the neglected animals of Atlantis, sterilizing and vaccinating 350 dogs and ensuring that they have the food they desperately need to survive. 

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Your generosity has the power to change 350 lives. Please donate today.

Banner credit: NFA/Zara King

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