Image5_credit_Galgos Del Sur Image5_credit_Galgos Del Sur

Hunting dogs in Spain endure a hellish existence. Bred to be ruthless killers, they are treated horrifically, and if they are not sufficiently bloodthirsty, they are beaten, starved and brutally killed. The law offers them no protection.

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Credit: Galgos del Sur

They are kept in terrible conditions in remote areas, hidden from the public eye, but our partner teams find the hellholes and rescue the dogs. Now that vital lifeline is under threat.

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This dirty green water was all that up to 30 dogs had to drink. Credit: Galgos del Sur

Our partner, Galgos del Sur, has lost its only rescue vehicle and missions are on hold until it can be replaced.

Without a vehicle, our team cannot rescue Spanish hunting dogs being terribly abused. 

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

This is where you – and the Brady Hunter Foundation – come in. The Brady Hunter Foundation will match all donations up to $23,000 (£17,000).

That means that if you donate $20 (£15), you are making a $40 (£30) difference.

Please donate now

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Image4_credit_Galgos del Sur

Credit: Galgos del Sur

Offers like this from the US-based Brady Hunter Foundation do not come often, so please help by donating today. Your generosity will make a big difference for abused hunting dogs that truly need help.

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The vehicle is ready and waiting – all we need to do now is raise the funds. Credit: Galgos del Sur

Donate now and our partner will MATCH your donation so you can make twice the difference for dogs facing some of the worst abuse we’ve seen.

Please donate now

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With your help, rescue missions will begin again and abused hunting dogs will be rescued, cared for and rehomed. 

Our pictures show what happens to Spanish hunting dogs that ‘dishonor’ their owners. We have to fight such abominable cruelty and we now have a wonderful opportunity to have your donations doubled, so your generosity will go twice as far. Please donate as generously as you can.

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Credit: Galgos del Sur

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO and Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Thanks to a fairy dogfather, your donation to help cruelly-treated Spanish hunting dogs will be doubled.

Banner credit: Galgos del Sur

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