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For animals in Ukraine, every day brings new nightmares. In this update, I want to explain why they so desperately need help.

As Russians advance into the civilian areas of Donetsk, more people are abandoning their animals. Our team is there now, rescuing animals before it is too late.


Credit: EPA

The Russians are making constant inroads. As I write this, our frontline vet, Pavlina Harasym, is in Donetsk, where the Russian forces are advancing on a vital highway used to evacuate the wounded. Pavlina is working tirelessly to get animals out while we still can.

At the same time, our newest partner, Animal Rescue Kharkiv, has just moved 70 goats, 40 sheep, 10 horses, rabbits, chickens, ducks and one pregnant donkey from the Toretsk region in Donetsk – where occupying Russian forces have destroyed 70% of the settlement – to a temporary shelter for farm animals far from the war zone.

Now, their next focus is getting more dogs to safety. But while they are ready to risk their lives for these poor animals, they simply do not have the funds to build crucial kennels and enclosures to house the animals they rescue, and have once again turned to us for help.

Tragically, while more animals are suffering on the frontlines, less people seem to care, and donations are drying up, leaving the animals with no-one to turn to in their worst time of need.


Credit: Ark

After experiencing the horrors of the war zone firsthand, I can tell you that the heroes saving animals from the frontline are risking life and limb each and every day. Dodging bullets, explosions and debris to save animal lives is a harrowing experience, yet our partners are undeterred, venturing into nightmarish hellscapes to rescue any animals they can.

These dedicated animal-lovers are driven by the same motivation that drives us and generous supporters like you – the desire to save animals from suffering and distress, no matter the cost.

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Credit: Al Jazeera

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In a time when more and more people are choosing to ignore the plight of these defenseless animals, we cannot turn away. Our partners need funds to continue their life-saving work, or more animals will die. 

Working in a war zone, where provisions are hard to get and extremely costly, is no easy task. With your donations, we can equip our partners with crucial food and medical supplies, while expanding overcrowded shelters so we can save even more lives.


In a stunning example of our partners’ unmatched courage, a sniper tried to take out our partner vet as she was conducting an emergency operation on a cat she had just rescued from a bomb site.

Despite the danger, she continued to operate, saving the cat’s life!

These are the heroes your donations help.

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Our partners are astonishingly brave. Not many people dare go to the frontline, but our teams don’t hesitate for a second to leap into the fray. They drive on ruined roads, sometimes for 19 hours, right into the heart of the battle, always under threat of attack. When they reach the battleground, they scour bombed buildings to rescue and treat dogs, cats and any other injured, abandoned animals, often encountering the dead bodies of both humans and animals.

Watch our video to see our teams in action.

Credit: ARK

According to some estimates, only ten people dare to venture into the thick of the fighting to save animals: We are proud to be working with three of these courageous people. When the war started, we made a promise to stay in Ukraine until the violence ends. We have upheld that promise, and are still saving animal lives in some of the worst-hit areas when many other organizations have abandoned the cause. No matter how bad it gets, we will remain – because the animals rely on us, and we are steadfast on our mission to help them.

Our partners tell us that people are losing their compassion for animal victims of war, and as donations dwindle, we are on the brink of being overwhelmed by the flood of animals in desperate need.

In times of war, animals always come last; without animal-lovers like us, these blameless creatures would have no-one to turn to. We must continue our vital work, but we can’t save lives without your help.

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Animal-lovers need to band together and stand with Ukraine’s animals. 

Join us on our mission to save animals from horrific injury, starvation and death by donating generously today!

Credit: ARK

NFA has been active in Ukraine since the war broke out, helping to rescue countless creatures who would otherwise be blown to bits or starve amidst the ruins. We have bought three animal ambulances, helped rescue and treat thousands of dogs and cats, and provided ton after ton of crucial food, but it’s still not enough. Russian troops are advancing every day, causing even more animals to be injured, abandoned and forced from their homes. 

Tragically, the animals are simply collateral damage, with shelters being destroyed as Russians shell Ukrainian cities.

With neighboring countries largely closing their borders to animal refugees, we’re moving the rescued animals to temporary shelters in safer, rural areas while we work to get them out of Ukraine.

As bombs fall and donations dry up, the need continues to grow. We are currently trying to find the funds to expand a dog shelter, enlarge a cat shelter, find a sanctuary for horses, pigs and 100 dogs, get fuel for our partners to continue vital rescue operations, provide transport cages for 800 dogs stuck in Kharkiv, and deliver food to 236 rescued cats.

Each of these needs is unbelievably pressing, and I have no idea how we are going to achieve all our goals. But like our brave volunteers, we will find a way – because it needs to be done. 

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Your donations are absolutely critical to the success of our life-saving work. Please be a friend to animals in war-stricken Ukraine by donating to Network for Animals today.

The war is dragging on, but that is not the fault of the animals who are simply caught in the crossfire. These innocent creatures only have kind-hearted souls like you and I to rely on for help, so please donate as much as you can and show the animals of Ukraine that there are still people who care about them.

David Signature

David Barritt
Executive Director
Network for Animals

P.S. Friend, every donation, no matter how small, is a sorely-needed act of compassion in what can seem like a wicked world. Please show Ukraine’s animals some much-needed kindness by donating generously today.

Banner credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

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