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Network for Animal's horse fighting campaigner in the Philippines, Dino Yebron, has been awarded a certificate of recognition for his work in the region.

Billed as a cultural tradition specific to indigenous communities, horse fighting, despite being illegal, is prominent enough to warrant local television coverage, and municipal support in the form of cash prizes and sponsorship from local businesses. 

Horse fights entail two stallions incited to fight each other over a mare in season. They bite, kick and strike each other with their hooves, inflicting serious injuries until one of them submits, flees or is killed. Gouges, gashes and broken limbs sustained during fights are always serious and can be fatal.

Veterinary services for horses in the Philippines are very basic and often too expensive for impoverished local farmers who enter their horses in tournaments. Through his work at Network for Animals, Dino provides free veterinary clinics in communities where horse fighting is prevalent as an incentive to stop horse fighting. He also provides advice on long term care for horses and works to instil a sense of compassion towards horses.

Network for Animals is proud of Dino's achievements in trying to tackle this brutal industry where changing of mindsets of just as important as legislative change.  We hope that this recognition is part of a wider acceptance of the need to stop this practice once and for all.


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