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The pilot badger cull in West Gloucestershire has been granted a licence for eight more weeks of murder, and in Somerset to 1st November.

Network for Animals are outraged at the government's continued efforts to kill badgers, while stepping further from scientific reason with every life they take. As cull targets fail to be reached across the board, we are left to wonder if badgers are fleeing their usual habitat in fear of gunshot, potentially spreading bTB far and wide: This is the perturbation effect that policymakers have been warned about time and again, and done their best to ignore.

All this comes as we approach December, and it becomes illegal for NfA sponsored projects like South Downs Badger Protection Group to trap badgers and vaccinate them with volunteer vaccinators, until badger breeding season ends. That this cheap, effective solution cannot be given chance to flourish, while armed murderers roam the countryside with impunity is an indictment of the Conservative approach to animal welfare.

We will do all that is in our power to protect badgers, and to rid the united kingdom of a threat greater than bTB: A government who ignore science, the will of it's people, and the need to protect one of the nation's most cherished animals. Please stand alongside us:

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