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Network for Animals (NFA) wishes to express our deep sadness at the death of Sir David Amess who was murdered in an apparent terrorist attack in England last week.

NFA’s founders, Brian and Gloria Davies, expressed their condolences to Sir David’s family, saying: “Animals have lost one of their most caring advocates, a rare human being who was unwavering in his support to improve animal welfare in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe. He was an advocate of kindness in a world where cruelty is commonplace and will forever live in our hearts because of that.

Sir David was murdered while meeting with constituents in Southend, England. During his career as one of longest-serving MPs in Britain, he worked unceasingly to improve animal welfare - most recently, speaking at the Conservative Party Conference, where he had discussed the need for other countries to have the same or higher animal welfare standards as the UK in any future trade deals.

Sir David was the first UK MP to support the fight against puppy farming and drove the Protection Against Cruel Tethering Act (1988) into law. The law means horses and donkeys in the UK cannot, by law, be tethered in such a manner as to cause that animal unnecessary suffering.

Amess was a patron of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation and was honoured as a Parliamentarian who has done the most to tackle issues concerning the welfare of animals and the natural environment.

He was awarded the Animal Welfare and Environment Champion award in 2011, in which he was recognised formally for his leading role in and commitment to animal welfare.


Brian and Gloria Davies
Network for Animals


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