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This May, Network for Animals became aware of a dog slaughtering operation, shockingly set-up in a refuse dump in the Northern Philippines.

Trading in dog meat is banned in the Philippines under the Animal Welfare Act, Anti Rabies Act and Meat Inspection Code, but black market traders continue to flout the laws until they are caught or persuaded out of their illegal business. Traders routinely abduct dogs from owners, subject them to terrifying and inhumane conditions, and slaughter them with absolutely no thought for welfare or public health.

Our operatives learned of the slaughtering operation in Padre Garcia as part of our continuous monitoring operation with the support of local informants. The team couldn't gain access to the area, so approached local mayor Abraham Guitierrez for support. Mr Guitierrez attended the site in person and closed the operation down. Though charges were not pressed by public office, and we couldn't gain access for our own evidence gathering, we are aware of the identity of the accused and will continue to monitor for further offences.

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