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With the collapse of the Greek economy some dog owners abandoned the pets they could not afford to keep. Brian Davies and the Network for Animals travelled to the country to see how we could help.

Spot, was found by children playing in the entrance to a parking lot, they put food and water out hoping he would be fine.

The truth seemed obvious when the Ghost Dogs team arrived - he was looking for a place to die. Spot’s malnourished gums were white. He had no strength left to move his body. Faint breathing and a flicker of his tail were all that signified life.

He was rushed to a vet.

Spot was found weighing little more than 12 pounds, with a low red blood cell count, and a poor prognosis. He would certainly have died if the children hadn’t found him.

Thanks to Network for Animals' Dogs In Distress campaign, and the magnificent work of our partners at Ghost Dogs of Aspropyrgous, Spot will live.

Others need your help.

Please give a generous donation to help Spot and others just like him. We will update you on his progress.


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