Banner_credit_NFA_Justine Haralambous Banner_credit_NFA_Justine Haralambous

In August, Network for Animals rushed emergency aid to war-torn animals in Ukraine, supported the treatment of a tortured baby donkey in Israel, provided food and medication for elderly rescued farm animals in England and covered emergency care for a Zimbabwean kitten who had flesh-melting acid thrown on her face – just to name a few! 

None of this life-saving work would be possible without the generosity of animal-lovers like you. Here's a sneak peek of the animals YOU helped last month.

Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Providing elderly rescued farm animals with food, medication and care

Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary (FARS) in England is home to over 300 rescued animals, including sheep, pigs and chickens. Many were rescued from terrible cruelty and neglect, and have finally found a haven where they will be provided with food, shelter and dedicated care for the rest of their lives. We have been helping rescued animals at FARS for many years, but an aging flock requires intensive care and advanced medicines, and as our partner’s funds run out, the sheep are taking strain.

The sanctuary is now at full capacity, yet farmers still bring sweet, slightly damaged lambs to FARS. At a time when food and running costs are rising and budgets are stretched, our team did not have the resources to care for more animals.

Thanks to your unwavering generosity, we will continue to help hundreds of rescued farm animals receive the care they deserve, while also freeing up funds so that the FARS team can take in even more abandoned animals who would otherwise face death. 

Read the original article here.

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Credit: NFA/David Barritt

Russia-Ukraine war 🇺🇦

Rescuing and rushing emergency aid to animal victims as Russians advance in Donetsk

In Ukraine, Russian soldiers are advancing in the Donetsk region, attacking and destroying one village at a time – and as people flee the onslaught, many are forced to leave their animals behind. Together with our partner, Pluriton, we are doing our best to get as many abandoned animals as possible to safety before it’s too late. But our partner’s shelter has run out of space, and without additional enclosures, dogs on the frontline are doomed to a life of suffering. 

We reached out to you with a desperate plea for help, and thanks to your donations, we are building vital enclosures at our partner’s shelter, which is a safe distance away from the frontline. We are also continuing to support rescue missions for dogs abandoned amidst the chaos of war. Thank you for being a hero for the desperate dogs of war-stricken Ukraine.

Read the original article here.


Credit: Pluriton

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 🇺🇦

Helping Zimbabwean kitten Kelsey heal following a horrific acid attack

Kelsey, a Zimbabwean kitten, suffered the most horrific cruelty. One side of the kitten’s face appears normal, while the other side is completely burnt and melted away – the result of a merciless acid attack. 

Fortunately, Kelsey was rescued and rushed to our partner, Matabeleland Animal Rescue and Equine Sanctuary (MARES) in Bulawayo – the only animal shelter in the city that does not immediately euthanize unwanted cats and kittens. The team informed us that she would need at least three life-saving operations to recover from the attack. 

Thanks to your support, we made a significant contribution towards Kelsey’s many surgeries and ongoing care, and we are pleased to report that she is making a miraculous recovery. Thank you for saving this little cat’s life – your generosity has shown her that there are still kind-hearted people in the world. Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages for more heart-warming updates on little Kelsey’s healing journey. 

Read the original article here.


Credit: MARES

Israel 🇮🇱

Funding emergency care for baby donkey Sunday after he was abandoned and tortured

Donkey foal Sunday was just four months old when he was cruelly ripped away from his mother, abandoned in a field under scorching heat and then beaten so badly by children that he could no longer stand. This level of abuse is distressingly common in the Middle East, and we and our partner, Starting Over Sanctuary (SOS), work around the clock to save donkeys like Sunday from misery and death. 

SOS rushed Sunday to its sanctuary for emergency medical attention and discovered that he was suffering from extensive injuries to his pelvis and hind legs, as well as extreme malnutrition and dehydration. Already caring for over 900 donkeys and facing rising costs due to the ongoing war, SOS urgently needed our help to cover Sunday’s treatment. 

Thanks to your donations, we were able to fully fund Sunday’s physical therapy, blood tests, high-nutrition feeding, antibiotics and pain relief medication. Sunday is now able to stand and walk on his own and is beginning to gain weight, all thanks to you.

Read the original article here.


Credit: SOS

Lamu, Kenya 🇰🇪

Sterilizing vulnerable street cats and kittens and giving them a chance at healthy lives

In Lamu East, Kenya, around 10,000 homeless cats and kittens face a relentless struggle for survival. With scarcely any food and no shelters or veterinary clinics in the area, disease runs rampant and the cats breed unchecked, leading to an explosion of unwanted kittens born into short, miserable lives on the streets.

Sterilization is critical to save thousands of cats in Lamu East from the appalling overpopulation crisis. In 2021, NFA launched a trap-neuter-return (TNR) program, and thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, we successfully sterilized a staggering 2,000 street cats. But to fully stabilize the population, we urgently need to sterilize at least 70% of Lamu East’s suffering stray cats.

Thanks to your generosity, we are launching our next sterilization campaign in early October, aiming to reach 500 cats with the help of our local team of vets. Thank you for giving the beautiful, iconic cats of Lamu East a chance at happier, healthier lives. 

Read the original article here.

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Credit: Ian Kiringa

Spain 🇪🇸

Providing abused rescued hunting dogs with food and medical care 

Hunting dogs in Spain live a truly hellish existence. Bred to be ruthless killing machines, they face relentless abuse and torture, with their lives often being tragically cut short the second they are no longer ‘useful’ to hunters.

Due to lax laws, many of these dogs live in terrible conditions in breeding facilities – chained, starving and forced to survive on filthy water and almost no food. Each year, up to half a million Spanish greyhounds and podencos are bred for the hunting industry, subjected to horrific brutality just for human entertainment.

In 2023 alone, our partners rescued nearly 1,800 hunting dogs from suffering, and their shelters are constantly at capacity. They urgently need our support to continue this vital work, especially with the hunting season due to resume in September. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve been able to provide funding for ongoing rescue missions, food, medication and vaccinations. You are making a real difference in the lives of terribly abused hunting dogs in Spain. 

Read the original article here.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Latest Updates

North Canterbury, New Zealand – Your voices have been heard in the fight against a cruel cat-killing competition! Official statements from Network for Animals have been sent to the authorities, demanding an end to this horrific hunt – thank you to the 43,000+ of our supporters who signed our petition! Now, the Mayor of the Hurunui District, where the hunt takes place, as well as the Ministers of Hunting, Agriculture, Environment and Conservation, have all received strong calls to adopt humane population control methods, while stopping ruthless hunters from indiscriminately shooting cats. Read more.

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Credit: Supplied (left); Cat Rescue Christchurch (right)

Croatia – Huge strides taken towards banning barbaric horse log-pulling competitions. Through relentless lobbying, undercover investigations and petitions, our partner, Animal Friends Croatia, is making significant progress in its mission to stop the abuse of horses for human entertainment. The Veterinary Inspection recently refused to permit a competition near Požega, while the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park stated they are against the practice and will not allow it in the future. These are massive milestones on the road to a total ban. Read more.

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Aqaba, Jordan – Rescuing starving, injured and abandoned street dogs. Over the past two months, our partner, the Al Rabee Shelter, has saved 12 dogs from the streets of Aqaba, Jordan, one of which is paralyzed and another two which have badly broken their legs. With 600 resident dogs at the shelter and more pouring in weekly, your support is crucial to cover sterilizations, vet bills, food and medication for rescued dogs. Please continue to support our partner’s life-saving work for dogs in Jordan. Read more.

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Credit: Al Rabee

Azemmour, Morocco – Abandoned amid an earthquake, little Ozzie is making a miraculous recovery! Earlier this year, we helped our partner, Erham, provide emergency food and veterinary care to animals in Morocco who were suffering terribly in the aftermath of a 2023 earthquake. It was then that we found Ozzie, a starving little puppy riddled with mange. We left extra food and medicine with his community feeders so they could continue to care for him, and we are delighted to report that Ozzie is well on his way to a full recovery. Thank you for giving him a second chance at life. Read more.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

Harare, Zimbabwe – Rescue dogs receive anti-poaching training. Our partner, Friend Animal Foundation (FAF), truly goes the extra mile when it comes to giving the 465 rescue dogs at their shelter a second chance at a happy life. Not only do the dogs get the food, shelter and veterinary care they need, but they also receive regular anti-poaching training. The dogs that take to the training will be given a purpose, and for those that don’t, the training keeps them entertained, helps them burn off excess energy, prevents boredom and reduces the chances of behavioral issues, making it that much easier for them to find their forever homes! Read more.


Credit: FAF

In the News

Cats appear to grieve death of fellow pets – even dogs, study finds. Read more.

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Thank you for being a friend and hero to desperate, vulnerable animals worldwide in August. Though they can’t speak for themselves, we know in our hearts that they are eternally grateful for your support – and so are we. 


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