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As the long process of rebuilding homes and lives continues in the wake of Hurricane Florence – the devastating category 4 hurricane that swept across the Carolinas last month – NFA fundraiser, Paul Seigel, has praised the generosity of Network for Animals supporters.

“We were able to donate over $44 000 to rescue and shelter terrified animals who were abandoned or separated from their owners as record flooding took place,” said Seigel.

“NFA’s role in emergencies like Hurricane Florence is unique,” he explained, “we have a very small staff and, with the exception of Hurricane Florence and Harvey a year ago, all of our campaigns are in remote areas in other countries. We don't have a division that specialises in first response in disasters, but when animals’ lives – dogs, cats and livestock – are threatened we do what we can.”

When Hurricanes Florence, and Harvey in 2017, made landfall, NFA appealed to its supporters for emergency funds. At the same time, the organisation undertook a careful process of identifying very experienced and reputable organisations to which it could donate the funds raised.

“Our criteria, in addition to experience and reputation, included a commitment to the early evacuation of animals, the rescue of animals (either directly or through a network of other organisations), veterinary care and feeding, and an emphasis on reuniting animals with their families,” said Paul. “Also essential was an understanding that the organisation we selected was pledged to distribute some of what we donated to places where immediate financial support could save lives.”

In the case of Hurricane Florence, which devastated the Carolinas, NFA identified the Charleston Animal Society and in the case of Hurricane Harvey, which ravaged parts of Houston and Southeast Texas, it identified the Houston SPCA.

“With Harvey, we raised more than $60,000,” said Seigel. “In the case of Florence our donations totalled more than $44,000. In both cases, every single cent that was donated by our supporters for these two animal emergencies, was handed over to these organisations.”


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