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Today the UK Parliamentary Backbench Business Committee voted overwhelmingly against further badger culls. The almost unanimous vote was 219 to 1 against a further cull, a figure which Network For Animals believe reflects both the scientific evidence, and public feeling against further badger culls as a means of preventing bTB.

The historic vote saw politicians of all parties express hope that vaccination projects would be embraced as an alternative to culling, and that culling would finally cease.

Following the historic vote,  Farming Minister George Eustice was asked if full parlimentary debate would take place before further culls were sanctioned or written off. George Eustice denied this request, leaving badgers lives directly in the hands of Conservative government.

We ask all supporters of badgers, and the anti-cull campaign to make their views clear to Owen Patterson, in the the hope that our voices will finally be heard.

Also today, the long awaited Independent Expert Panel review of the pilot badger culls arrived with Owen Patterson, around a week after being leaked to the BBC. It is Network for Animals understanding that this report will be released to the general public over the coming weeks.


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