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Last Thursday 10th September, members of Network for Animals' Philippine anti-dog meat team successfully arrested three dog meat traders in collaboration with the Calatagan police force, 100 miles south of Manila.

As you may be aware, traders place dogs, many of them formerly people's pets, in brutal conditions like those pictured above: tiny wire cages, stuffed to breaking with poor suffocating pets, unfed, unwatered, unable to move. The Philippine climate leads to a year-round baking summer heat, and an almost constant 80-90% humidity.

What these poor dogs experience on the way to the human dinner plate is one of the worst forms of torture to exist on this earth, and one that Network for Animals is dedicated to ending.




The traders had been monitored for around two months by our operatives and network of informants, until the slaughtering operation was eventually located in the middle of a sugarbeet field, 30 miles south-west of the traders' home. The remote choice of venue led to great difficulty apprehending the traders, and highlights the lengths that they will nowadays go to in evading capture.

As this is one of the first raids the local police force has attempted to prosecute, my veteran team leader has temporarily moved to the area to assist the police with the legal issues surrounding the case, already preventing it being thrown out of court on a technicality.

Heartbreakingly, our team also recovered the bodies of eighteen slaughtered dogs, which we have laid to rest in the area.

We couldn't perform monitoring, raids, and the extensive legal work that are involved in changing the lives of dogs in the Philippines without your support. Please make a generous donation today, and help us bring this vile trade to an end.





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