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Zeke was found confused and scared roaming the streets of Atlantis in Cape Town, South Africa. She had been thrown away like a piece of garbage, left to fend for herself, sick and in pain and EATING ROCKS from hunger.

Unfortunately, this is a frequent occurrence in many of South Africa’s filthy impoverished urban areas. Owners will often dump dogs on the streets when they get sick or show weakness. It’s an easier solution than getting them the help they need.


Luckily, Zeke was found by a good Samaritan and taken to Fallen Angels, our partner organisation in South Africa.

Zeke was in such a bad way immediate expert help was needed. She was rushed to a vet emaciated and full of ticks and diagnosed as starving and with two types of mange.


Thanks to the help of dog lovers like you, we saved Zeke’s life. She is going to need medical care for a while yet but she is going to make a full recovery.

Our team deal with dogs like Zeke every single day. The need is overwhelming but so is our determination to help dogs in distress in South Africa. We can’t do this without your help. It was because of dog lovers like you that we saved Zeke.

With your help, we can change the fate of so many other loving dogs, who simply want to be with people and never give up on us, even when, like Zeke, they are starved and abused.

Please, help us to continue our vital work by donating today. If you could see how happy Zeke is now that she is loved and cared for, we know you wouldn’t hesitate.


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