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December 16, 2024

Rescued from a war zone, the journey to loving homes start with you.

In the heart of the West Bank, where a violent conflict still rages, 20 desperate animals have been rescued from the chaos and destruction. These poor animals have survived unimaginable hardships in a world that shows no mercy, and now, they are anxiously waiting for their chance to escape.

We have an unmissable opportunity to give 20 traumatized animals the safe, loving homes they deserve – but we can’t do it without your help.

Read on to find out how you can be a part of this heartwarming rescue mission…

Credit: AEA

Amidst the chaos, terror and relentless violence, countless dogs and cats have been abandoned to fend for themselves, ignored and forgotten.

It breaks our hearts to see them wandering the streets, their frail bodies trembling with hunger, desperately searching for even the smallest scrap of food – all while dodging bombs and bullets.

Those that do not succumb to starvation are smashed by cars, crushed by falling buildings or torn apart by shrapnel.

These animals are paying the ultimate price in a world torn apart by violence. They are the silent victims of war, and we are working tirelessly to rescue them from the worst of the conflict.

Without our teams – and animal-lovers like you – these forgotten victims would have no-one to turn to.

And while it often feels like there is no good news for animals in horrific situations like this, sometimes we are given an unmissable opportunity to drastically change animal lives for the better.

Loving homes are waiting in the US for 20 animals rescued from war – but their journey to safety cannot happen without you.

Through our partner, the Animal and Environment Association (AEA), we have the chance to give 20 animals the safe, happy lives they so deserve. Kind-hearted families across the USA are waiting to welcome these dogs and cats into their forever homes – all we need to do now is raise the funds to get them there.

Credit: AEA

For these animals, each rescued under truly horrific circumstances, this is a fantastic opportunity.

Among the lucky rescues is a truly special puppy whose will to live has inspired us all. Montasir was just four months old when he was found on the war-torn streets of Bethlehem, struggling to survive after he was hit by a car and left to die in agony.

Montasir was on the brink of death, his hind leg shattered beyond repair. Our partner rushed him to a vet for emergency care, and his injured leg had to be amputated – but just like our dedicated team, Montasir refused to give up. With love, patience and perseverance, he has made a remarkable recovery and adapted to life on three legs.

Now, Montasir is ready for the next chapter of his journey – a life filled with love, safety and happiness with a family who will cherish him forever. His story is one of hope, resilience, and the incredible transformations that are possible when we come together to help animals in need.

Credit: AEA

Montasir is one of the rescued animals hoping for your compassion. Each of these dogs and cats has faced the horrors of neglect, war and abandonment. They have a chance to escape this life, if we act right away.

Together, we can transport Montasir and 19 other rescues from a world marred by violence and war, to one of love, comfort and happiness.

We must raise the $8,100 (£6,370) required to cover their airfare to the USA, where brighter futures and loving families await.

Please, help us turn their dream into reality by donating as generously as you can today.

For the animals, 

Gloria Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO & Founder
Network for Animals

P.S. Your donation will help desperate dogs and cats find forever homes. Give generously today and stay tuned to our social media pages to see how we use your donation to change their lives forever.