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February 20, 2023

BREAKING: MORE deadly earthquakes ravage Turkey. Please help us rescue, treat, feed and shelter terrified animals!

We are devastated to tell you that two more deadly earthquakes have rocked Syria and Turkey, just two weeks after a 7.8-magnitude quake destroyed multiple parts of both countries.


The 6.4 and 5.8-magnitude quakes hit the province of Hatay, where our team on the ground is working tirelessly to rescue and treat animals affected by the disaster. This week’s earthquake damaged more buildings and made conditions even more horrendous for animals.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get WORSE for Turkey’s animals, NEW earthquakes struck. Once again, teams are clawing through rubble in search of panic-stricken animals.


Help us to take action by donating today!

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Just a few days ago, it was announced that most rescue and recovery efforts following the initial quake had ended, with the focus now being on the survivors. But now, teams will once again be trawling the rubble in search of tragic animals trapped amid the detritus. These poor creatures must have thought they were finally safe two weeks after the quakes first struck – and, just as they began to recover from their trauma, a fresh disaster hit. We cannot begin to imagine their terror.

Even worse: countless pet owners have died, or been forced to shelter without their pets, or have fled their homes in fear – how many animals have been abandoned to survive alone – petrified, wounded and confused – as their world literally crumbles around them?


We cannot abandon them now!
Animals in Turkey desperately need assistance, only with your continued support can we help save lives.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Since the earthquake struck, we have been working with HAYTAP (Hayvan Hakları Federasyonu) to rush aid to animals. HAYTAP has set up emergency veterinary field tents in hard-hit Antakya and has been working 24/7 to pull animals from the rubble and treat and shelter every single one they can – not only cats, dogs and puppies, but birds and even farm animals.


We are always on the ground helping animals when disasters strike, and with your help right now, we promise to continue supporting the dogs and cats of Turkey until the crisis is over and they are safe. We are already providing veterinary treatment, shelter and care to animals affected by the first wave of quakes, and we know that now, countless more will be left homeless, wounded, terrified and alone.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today


We PROMISE to stand with the animals and do everything in our power to care for them in their greatest time of need. Please help us by donating any amount you possibly can right now. These animals have never needed you more – please don’t turn your back on them when animal lovers like you are all they have.

For the animals, 

For the animals,


Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. We know from bitter experience that in times of crisis, animals are frequently overlooked or ignored. We exist for animals in times like that. The animal earthquake victims in Turkey need food, shelter and care. Please donate as much as you possibly can to continue life-saving work for the animals of Turkey.