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January 15, 2025

Abandoned dogs are starving in this Greek wasteland.

Rife with abandoned buildings and lawless Roma camps, Aspropyrgos, a semi-rural area near Athens, is the nightmare home to countless abandoned dogs.

Credit: Ghost Dogs

These dogs are struggling to eke out a meager existence amid the factories, Roma camps and abandoned buildings, and our team visits the area every week to provide life-saving food, medicine and veterinary care for as many of the traumatized, hungry and frightened animals as they can.

The ‘ghost dogs’ of Aspropyrgos suffer every day, yet the authorities do nothing.

Thousands of dogs have been dumped in the area, with more being abandoned every month. Those that do not succumb to starvation face multiple threats: Criminals snatch them and force them into dog-fighting rings, deadly diseases run rampant through the population, and cars smash into them as they try to cross busy highways in a desperate search for food.

For years, the municipality – which is legally responsible for the dogs’ health and safety – has done almost nothing. It is a disgraceful scandal, but the authorities simply don’t care, and so it is up to us and kind-hearted people like you to give the dogs the care they deserve.

Credit: Ghost Dogs

Having known little but abandonment and cruelty, the dogs are terrified of humans – even those that are fighting to save them.

The animals are so traumatized that you might not even know they’re there; it is only when our team arrives with nutritious food that they emerge from the shadows.

Even then, they quickly eat as much as they can before melting back into the surroundings, earning them their nickname: The ‘ghost dogs’ of Aspropyrgos.

Another day, another dog rescued. Credit: Ghost Dogs

With an estimated 4,000 animals in need, these poor dogs need every little bit of help they can get – and that’s where animal-lovers like you come in.

We are a lifeline for these animals, and the more we raise, the more hungry mouths we can feed.

Our founder, Gloria Davies, feeding a ghost dog found in an abandoned house. Credit: NFA/Vic Dobry

Please give as generously as you can to save the ghost dogs of Aspropyrgos today.

For the animals, 

Gloria Signature
Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
CEO & Founder Network for Animals

P.S. In 12 years, our team hasn’t missed a single week of feeding the ghost dogs of Aspropyrgos, and so many dogs are fed and cared for because of this help. Please donate generously today to keep hungry tummies filled.