South Africa’s Valley of a Thousand Hills seems like an idyllic wonderland for almost all who visit. But for 1,500 dogs, this beautiful natural environment offers little more than a never-ending cycle of suffering.
Credit: KZN Valley Dogs
Living in dirt-poor rural areas, these animals face constant hunger – relieved by just one meager meal per week. Beyond the ever-present hunger, the dogs are riddled with painful, often untreated injuries and diseases, and uncontrolled breeding has led to an explosion of suffering dogs.
Together, we can ease the suffering of more than 1,500 dogs in this impoverished rural area.
With our support, our dedicated partner, KZN Valley Dogs, ventures into these destitute areas every Sunday to feed more than a thousand starving dogs. Our team has never missed a single feeding mission, come rain or shine, and they vow they never will.
It is both heartwarming and gut-wrenching to see skeletal dogs running to the feeding vehicles with wagging tails, desperate for their weekly meal.
Credit: NFA/Luke Barritt
But as the festive season fades, even more animals are clamoring for our help. The number of desperately hungry dogs and puppies has surged and, tragically, more animals have been injured in recent weeks – many of them hit by cars in the holiday traffic.
Our team is struggling to cope with the skyrocketing costs of food and veterinary bills. The local vet has even started turning animals away due to unpaid bills, forcing our team to make the impossible and heartbreaking choice of which dogs are most deserving of treatment.
Can you imagine having to decide which dog gets the life-saving care it needs to survive and which is left to suffer and die?
Credit: KZN Valley Dogs
As animal-lovers, we cannot bear to let any dog go unfed or untreated. That is why we need your support, now more than ever.
Together, we can feed the animals and treat the sick and injured, while launching a life-saving sterilization campaign to help curb overpopulation in the Valley.
The more you give, the more animals we can feed, care for and sterilize, saving lives today and preventing more puppies from being born into hunger and hardship tomorrow.
So please, if you possibly can, donate to Network for Animals and be a hero for these vulnerable animals today.