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Morocco has a street cat crisis, with almost as many street cats as people and hardly any sterilization programs. As a result, millions of cats suffer from disease, starvation and abuse, but with your help, we will urgently address this problem.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

At Network for Animals, we have a proven track record of dealing with issues exactly like this, as we have demonstrated in places like Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Greece. To date, we have made a BIG difference in these countries by reducing suffering and preventing the birth of unwanted kittens, who often lead short and painful lives before meeting an untimely death.

With more cats vying for food and few organizations providing much-needed food and medical care, more and more kittens are being born into a desperate fight for survival on the harsh streets.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

We are ready and able to make a difference for these unfortunate cats. Together with YOU and our partners, we will do exactly that.

On a recent visit we witnessed heartbreaking suffering, but we were also happy to see many locals reaching out for help to sterilize the cats in their neighborhoods. This is encouraging because it shows a willingness to take ownership of the problem. We urgently need to raise funds to support our partners and implement more sterilization programs, guiding Morocco towards a sustainable way to control the cat population.

With your support, we can establish crucial sterilization programs to stop thousands more kittens from being born into suffering.

We and our partners, Kawthar Cats and Erham, are ready and waiting to jump into action. If we can raise $10,000 (£7,865), we can launch essential spay and neuter programs, targeting the most problematic colonies first to maximize our positive impact. 

If you decide to donate, and I hope you do, then we promise to improve their lives and keep you updated on the progress.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

In the fight to control Morocco’s street cat population, every donation has the power to save lives. No matter how much you are able to give, your donation will help us create a better future for cats on Moroccan streets.

Sterilization is the only way to prevent thousands of Moroccan street kittens and cats from living a life of pain and misery.

Please donate now so we can make a real difference to these vulnerable animals!

Our partners provide vital food and urgent vet care for hundreds of kittens and cats every month – but as the population continues to spiral out of control, more and more animals are left starving and injured with no one to turn to.

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Credit: NFA/Dejan Radic

By supporting our sterilization drive, you will help our partners free up funds for on-the-ground care. And if your generosity exceeds our goal, all extra funds will go towards urgent food and vet care for the kittens and cats our partners look after.

Your support, no matter the amount, can save lives and reduce suffering for kittens and cats who are in desperate need. The cats of Morocco need you now! Please, can you find it in your heart to help us change their lives today?

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

P.S. Friend, street cats in Morocco are in terrible trouble. With your help, we can improve their lives enormously. Please donate generously today!

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