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The terrible war in Ukraine rages on with no end in sight. Some of the fiercest fighting is taking place in the Donbas region, and that is where our partner Vetmarket Pluriton is, with our vehicle, rescuing animals as we write this.

The situation is truly terrible. The Russians are constantly, indiscriminately shelling residential areas in the city of Bakhmut, and animals are being shredded by shrapnel and dying in bomb blasts. We honestly do not know the casualty numbers, but we know they number in the thousands.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Bombed-out animals, their owners fled or dead, are hungry, thirsty and often severely injured.

But YOU can make a difference, and this is how…

Today, we urgently need your help. We must come together to help provide urgent medical care, food and comfort to displaced animals in a war zone.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

When the fighting heated up, we knew a crisis was about to take place, and we prepared. We are helping to fund the creation of an emergency animal shelter and veterinary clinic for our partner Vetmarket - at a safe distance from the worst fighting but close enough that we can ferry rescued animals to safety.

Vetmarket is one of the few animal rescue teams bravely venturing into some of the worst-hit areas and saving animals.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

The Russians are prepared to destroy everything and have absolutely no regard for the animals. Vetmarket has helped feed countless dogs and cats and has rescued over 1,000 animals in high-conflict areas. Now, our help is more desperately needed than ever. We need to rescue animals who are being massacred every day. We are so proud of our Vetmarket team, amazed by its bravery in the deathly-dangerous situations it is faced with… but this work can only happen with the help of you, our supporters. Please donate now. We MUST help the animals and have promised to do so until this war is over.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Even though it is unfinished, the new shelter already has 70 rescued animals - among them are 40 dogs, donkeys, goats and a llama. Vetmarket is working as fast as it can with limited supplies and funds, and your donation will help expand the shelter so it can accommodate as many animals as necessary until the fighting is over.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

We also need to give the Vetmarket team animal crates, heated enclosures and a well-equipped veterinary clinic stocked with medication and supplies. We have already provided funding to get the shelter started. Still, it quickly became evident that because of the increasing number of animal war casualties, it needs to be bigger than we initially thought.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Help us to take action by donating today!

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These are animals who have lost everything - their humans, their homes, their food and care. Without your support, they could lose their lives. With your help, they will receive the food, water, warmth, and medical care they desperately need and - we know you will agree - deserve. As animal lovers, we cannot turn away from them in their greatest time of need.


Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

It is only with your help that we can make a difference for the animals of Ukraine.

They have suffered long enough and now deserve a peaceful existence. We want to give them just that by building a safe and welcoming shelter and on-site clinic - ultimately giving them a chance to be rehomed into loving families. Please help us raise the critical funds to make this a reality.

For the animals,


Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S: Right now, bombs are killing animals in Ukraine. We are trying to rescue them, and we need your help to do so. It is as simple and clear as that. Please donate generously now.

Banner image: Vetmarket Pluriton

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