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Many of our supporters have asked what happened to Casper, the friendly Greek street dog that lost an eye. There’s good news - Casper has found a forever home and is recovering fast.  His new owners say he is the most lovable fellow, and that they were so moved by his tragic story that they joined our team of volunteers to help save other dogs.


Casper was found in Aspropyrgos, a rundown area near Athens, that people use as a dumping ground for unwanted dogs. Casper was dumped by his owners and left to fend for himself. The poor little thing was lost on the streets and quickly got sick.

“Thank goodness we saved him,” said David Barritt, NFA’s executive director. “We are experiencing tremendous challenges getting food and rescuing street dogs when so many countries are locked down and volunteers forbidden to leave their homes. “We have upped our financial assistance so that dogs like Casper do have a second chance and are so glad to be able report a happy ending when the corona news is so bad.”


Network for Animals (NFA) has worked with Ghost Dogs, our partners in Athens, for seven years, and together in this time of corona hardship, we are still on the ground - caring for animals. “There is always such a great need and right now, corona is causing terrible hardship. I’d like to thank all our supporters for making our work possible with their donations,” said Barritt.


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