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The scene you see above is just one snapshot in the torture that is the Philippine Dog Meat Trade. The real horror lasts for days: Abduction… The shove into a rusty cage… Days of dehydration… Trampling by quivering cell-mates… Brutal, terrifying death… Transportation… The money-making cook… The disgusting mouth of the customer…

On May 17th our team coordinated volunteers, police and the Philippine National Meat Inspection Service to two suspicious restaurants in Baguio. Our worst fears were realized. We found the stewing and frozen carcasses of innocent dogs.

Discoveries like this are harrowing and heartbreaking, but absolutely necessary. And just hours after returning home from the hideous day of confiscations and police work, the phone rang… Our police colleagues in the southern mainland had discovered 50 dogs slaughtered in a pick-up truck. We immediately set out to assist.

Under a heavy workload and with minimal resources, local police struggle to cover all aspects of dog meat trade prosecution. Thanks to our presence, the complex procedures for evidence gathering and disposal were able to be followed, and the suspects will now stand trial. It is your support that allows this vital work to happen. Thank you.

Our team are today out monitoring suspected slaughterhouses, located using intelligence from our informants. Our aim is to free dogs long before they are slaughtered, and with your help, we will succeed. Please make a generous donation today, and together we will end the dog meat trade once and for all.


Sign our petition to end the dog meat trade.



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