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Picture the fate of these poor dogs. One moment, you’re safe walking with your loving owner. Then, in a flash you’re grabbed and abducted into the dog meat trade. Whisked away on the back of a motorcycle, your mouth is tied shut, you’re thrown into a cage, you’re TERRIFIED. No food, no water. Only agonising days in the sweltering tropical heat, until eventually you face a killer’s knife.


These dogs would not have been rescued without the generosity of supporters like you. Please make a donation today.

When my team broke into the San Pedro compound earlier this year, they discovered two shocking sights. The first was the five dogs you see here, desperately clinging to life, struggling to breathe through mouths tightly bound by the traders. The second were industrial freezers, stuffed with the remains of 44 murdered dogs. I censored the image below as it haunts me, and is far too gruesome for public eyes.


My brave team have fought the Philippine dog meat trade for nineteen years. We fought to create three vital laws to protect animals. We’ve kicked down the doors of dog meat traders and taken them to court. We pushed the police to tackle restaurants and bars that illegally serve dog meat, and with your support we fight until the day the brutal trade finally ends.

The five dogs whose lives we saved are now called Dina, Sunny, Bert, Nene and Ogie. Ogie still bears a scar on her nose from her ordeal, and along with Bert awaits a safe and loving new home. Through the tireless efforts of my team, Dina, Nene and Sunny are already living with carefully sourced new families and experiencing the love, care and safety that all dogs deserve.


The 44 corpses we discovered were buried by my team. These poor dogs will never know love again, and their lost families can only guess at their fate. I long to prevent this tragedy repeating.


It is your generosity like yours that makes our fight possible. Please make a donation today, and help me end the Philippine dog meat trade once and for all.

For the animals,



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