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In August, disasters made headlines once again as deadly wildfires raged throughout Greece and ravaged the island of Maui in Hawaii, claiming the lives of countless animals and leaving thousands injured. Thanks to your support, we rushed emergency aid to the survivors while continuing our critical work for cats, dogs, and donkeys in other parts of the world.

Here are the animals our supporters helped last month.


Funding emergency animal rescue supplies and evacuations as new wildfires rage

It has been a disastrous time for Greece’s animals as a second wave of 355 new wildfires burnt out of control. The flames left countless animals trapped, desperately awaiting rescue and care. Our tireless partners, Alma Libre – Hellenic Animal Rescue (ALHAR), Corinthia Animal Rescue (CAR), and Make it Pawsible (MIP), are working around the clock to rescue as many animal victims as possible. But they need all the support they can get if they are to continue their life-saving rescue efforts.

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to rush critically needed funding for emergency animal rescue supplies and evacuations. Your donations have saved the lives of distressed animals who would have otherwise perished in the flames.

Read the original article here.


South Africa 

Providing critically needed food and veterinary care for more than 1,000 starving dogs

In the Valley of a Thousand Hills in South Africa, more than 1,000 dogs are the tragic victims of extreme poverty, ignorance, uncontrolled breeding and utter neglect. These starving animals are so severely emaciated that their ribs are visible through their skin. Many also suffer from life-threatening infections and diseases, intestinal parasites or brutal dog-fighting injuries. Our partner, KZN Valley Dogs, ventures into the region every week to feed and care for these poor creatures. But feeding more than 1,000 starving animals comes at great cost, and food is not the only critical need.

We reached out to you, and once again, you came through for the animals. Thanks to your donations, we will be able to provide the Valley dogs with enough food for an entire month and cover veterinary costs for some emergency cases. Thank you for being a lifeline to animals who need it most - your generosity could be the difference between life and death!

Read the original article here.



Rushing emergency aid to the animals of fire-ravaged Maui

In August, a blazing inferno engulfed the Hawaiian island of Maui, claiming an unknown number of animal lives and leaving thousands severely injured and struggling to survive. We witnessed haunting and heartbreaking images of displaced birds with singed wings, frightened mammals scrambling for safety, and marine life choking on polluted waters. When disaster strikes, we are there. We knew we had to step in - and fast.

Through our partner, we worked to rescue, rehabilitate and relocate as many helpless animal victims as possible, including those who had been left behind in the chaos of the crisis. Animals are often the forgotten victims in times of disaster, but we are always there providing a lifeline. Through your support, we rushed emergency funds to the Maui Humane Society, helping the team continue its critical rescue efforts for the frightened four-legged victims of scorched Maui. Thank you for being a hero to animals in their hour of need.

Read the original article here.



Protecting donkeys from brutal slaughter for the Chinese donkey-skin trade

In Kenya, donkeys are widely massacred for the rampant and insatiable Chinese donkey-skin trade. Despite a legal ban on slaughtering donkeys, the killing continues unabated. In the past decade, close to one million donkeys have been killed in order to extract gelatin from their skin and make a substance called ejiao - used in Asian beauty products despite it having no proven benefit.

During a recent trip to the Ndeiya region with our partner, the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (KSPCA), we discovered the fresh, bloody carcasses of 500 donkeys, all brutally stripped of their skins. The situation is utterly horrific, but through your support, we are helping to protect these gentle, vulnerable animals.

Thanks to your donations, we are equipping our team on the ground with urgently needed off-road motorbikes so they can patrol donkey slaughter hotspots, intercept illegal traders, and rescue donkeys from a certain and brutal death. Thank you for standing with us. Together, we can and WILL bring an end to the blood-curling donkey skin trade in Kenya - as we did in Tanzania - and save countless donkey lives!

Read the original article here.



Providing sick and injured shelter cats and dogs with a fully-equipped veterinary clinic.

Unwanted cats and dogs endure terrible abuse and neglect in Zimbabwe. Tristan is just one example - critically injured and dumped on a rubbish dump, his future looked to be an agonizing death. Fortunately for him and countless other needy animals, there is a lifeline, our supporters: the Friend Animal Foundation (FAF) in Harare that we financially support. With almost 500 dogs and 120 cats permanently in its care and more being brought in for emergency treatment every month, FAF urgently needs a veterinary clinic.

Your support towards this vital project has been heartwarming. We have not yet reached our fundraising goal but are wholeheartedly committed to continuing our critical efforts to provide FAF with a fully equipped, on-site veterinary clinic to treat animals in desperate need. Through your support, we have raised enough to begin construction, but we still have a long way to go. Please stand with us to give the suffering animals of Zimbabwe the care they deserve.

Read the original article here.


Latest Updates

Kozani, Greece - Feeding and sterilizing street dogs in need. With hundreds of dogs facing abuse and neglect in Kozani, we are committed to giving them a chance at a better life. Many dog owners cannot afford proper veterinary care, leading to a rising number of puppies born on the streets every year. Thanks to your continued support, we were able to donate €2,350 ($2,550) towards sterilizing 11 dogs and providing an entire month’s worth of food for 70 dogs. Your donations have played a vital role in transforming the lives of these animals. Read more.


Aqaba, Jordan - Al Rabee Dog Shelter bounces back thanks to you! Just a few months ago, the Al Rabee Dog Shelter in Jordan faced the aftermath of devastating floods which surged through the shelter, destroying enclosures and leaving a path of destruction. Dogs were missing, and some were killed. We sprang into action and quickly provided funds for rebuilding efforts. We are happy to share that remarkable progress has been made in restoring the shelter. None of this would have been possible without YOU, our generous supporters. Read more.


Calvinia, South Africa - You helped us sterilize over ONE HUNDRED dogs! Through our Gloria's Little Acts of Kindness Program, we recently donated $2,700 (£2,090) towards a mass spay/neuter program in the rural town of Calvinia's most needy townships. We are pleased to announce that our partners successfully sterilized 108 dogs. This is a massive achievement and will significantly reduce the number of unwanted animals being born on the streets and living lives of unimaginable pain and suffering. Thank you for supporting our four-legged friends in Calvinia! Read more.

Cape Town, South Africa - Witness the incredible transformation of Atlas! Atlas’ journey began when he was rescued from a low-income community in South Africa; he was starving to death and desperately needed love and care. His body bore the scars of a life lived on a short chain, with painful pressure wounds on his hips and back legs. With our support, Atlas received urgent care from our partner TEARS and has since transformed into a happy and healthy dog. Atlas’s weight has almost doubled, and he has embraced a newfound zest for life. Watch the video… 


Albania - Providing food, medical care and love for suffering street dogs. Recently, as part of our Gloria’s Little Acts of Kindness program - made possible entirely by your generosity - we were able to provide the Dandi Animal Rescue Mission (DARM) with funding for much-needed food and sterilizations for 70 street dogs. Miraculously, one of the street dogs, three-legged Otti, is now all set to be relocated to his forever home in France! Help us make more heartwarming success stories like Otti’s possible by continuing to donate to Network for Animals. Read more.


In the News

Cyprus to begin treating island’s sick cats with anti-Covid pills. Read more.

Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in August. They are deeply grateful for your kindness, and so are we.

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