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In October, animals were killed or severely injured in natural disasters, left abandoned and struggling to survive in the throes of war, and brutally tortured by unfeeling humans. Our supporters’ donations helped us make a real impact in the lives of suffering animals around the world. 

Here is how we put our supporters’ donations in direct action for animals in October.

Israel-Hamas War

Rushing funds for critical feeding and evacuation missions for animal victims of war

In October, violent conflict erupted between Israel and Gaza, claiming countless animal lives and leaving untold numbers of survivors starving, injured and terrified. Animals are often the forgotten victims in times of war, abandoned as their owners flee for their lives, or left to struggle for survival on the streets amid deadly airstrikes. As animal lovers, and with your support, we are always there for animals in times of crisis. 

Thanks to your generosity, we have been working tirelessly alongside four dedicated teams on the ground: Let the Animals Live (LTAL) and Starting Over Sanctuary (SOS) in Israel, Sulala Animal Rescue (SAR) in Gaza, and Animal Environment Association (AEA) in Palestine, to feed, treat and evacuate as many helpless animal victims as possible. Thank you for being a hero to animals during this terrible time of war. 

Read the original article here.


Credit: Let The Animals Live

Central Greece 

Providing emergency relief for animals as floods engulf central Greece 

It has been a disastrous time for Greece’s animals as raging wildfires and powerful storms battered the country from July through September. Storm Daniel, which recently made landfall in the country, is the deadliest Mediterranean cyclone in recorded history. On top of the cyclone, storms dumped months’ worth of rain over already-submerged regions, leaving terrified animals to drown as people fled. 

In disasters like this, we are always ready to race into action for animals who desperately need our help. Together with our partner on the ground, Greek Animal Rescue (GAR) – and thanks to your unwavering support – we were able to rush critically needed funding for food, shelter, blankets, and veterinary care to affected animals. Your donations also supported the rescue and evacuation of hundreds of animals who would have otherwise drowned in the disaster. Thank you for being a friend to Greece’s animals in their hour of need. 

Read the original article here.


Credit: Karditsa Shelter/Evi Thanou

Aspropyrgos, Greece 

Helping hundreds of street dogs survive during bitterly cold winter months 

Aspropyrgos near Athens is home to countless starving, sickly and unloved street dogs. Known as “ghost dogs,” the animals live rummaging in the shadows for food scraps, with sickness an ever-present threat. They die of disease, smashed by cars, or even killed by vicious humans. They live like ghosts because to be seen by callous humans could mean brutal death. 

Life is always tough for a street dog in Aspropyrgos, but as winter approaches, food and shelter become almost impossible to find. With winter about to strike, we reached out to you with a desperate plea to support our life-saving feeding program. Once again, you came through for the animals, and together with our partner, Ghost Dogs, we WILL ensure that hundreds of street dogs survive another bitter winter in Aspropyrgos. Your donations could be the difference between life and death for a ghost dog. 

Read the original article here.


Credit: NFA/David Barritt

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Funding life-saving treatment for brutally abused donkey Melody

In Zimbabwe, thousands of donkeys are routinely overworked, brutally abused and forced to live in daily agony. Melody’s story is one of the worst we have encountered. This poor, pregnant donkey endured the very worst of human depravity – rusted, razor-sharp wire had been forced through the skin of each ear, and she could barely walk, her back legs cruelly bound. Shockingly, it also became clear that Melody had been repeatedly molested by the people meant to care for her. 

Our long-standing partner in Bulawayo, the Matabeleland Animal Rescue & Equine Sanctuary (MARES), works around the clock to save and change the lives of terribly suffering donkeys. Melody is one of them, and thanks to your donations, we are helping to cover the cost of this tragically tortured donkey’s urgent medical and emotional care and that of her unborn foal. Thank you for showing Melody and her unborn baby the love and kindness they so desperately deserve. 

Read the original article here.


Credit: MARES

Latest updates

Trebinje, Bosnia – Sweet Stella finds forever home! Stella, a dog who once knew only neglect, misery, and abandonment on a rubbish dump, took her first steps towards a brighter future at our state-of-the-art shelter in the City of Trebinje in May. But the journey didn’t stop there. Stella has now found her forever home in the UK through our rescue partners, Meadows of Hope. Read more.


Credit: Trebinje Shelter

Morocco – Disaster relief for animals affected by a devastating earthquake. ERHAM, our partner on the ground, is currently running an 8-week feeding program with 16 stations in hard-to-reach areas, providing daily meals to hungry dogs and cats who have lost their usual food sources. Our team at JARJEER has also been rescuing and sheltering injured horses and donkeys, ensuring their safety. It is only through your support that we can reach animal victims in desperate need – thank you! Read more.


Greece – Feeding our feline friends in Northern Kefalonia. Your support has helped us set up vital food and water dispensers as part of our street cat feeding program. Our dedicated team on the ground will be there to ensure these dispensers are regularly replenished, ensuring that the cats of Kefalonia stay well-fed throughout the upcoming winter season. Your kindness truly changes lives. Read more.


Spain – Major update on Spain’s Animal Welfare Law. Spain has introduced a new law penalizing pet owners who leave their animals unattended, with fines for mistreatment reaching up to €200,000 ($210,941)! This represents a significant step forward for animal welfare and serves as a testament to our campaign efforts. Read more.


Cape Town, South Africa – World Animal Day 2023. The NFA team had the privilege of attending an event in Cape Town dedicated to raising awareness for World Animal Day on October 4, 2023. Read more.


Credit: Taryn Slabbert

Kenya – Protecting donkeys from the insatiable Chinese donkey-skin trade. Thanks to your donations, we have successfully equipped the Ndeiya Multi-Agency Security Team with three off-road motorbikes, which will allow them to patrol known donkey slaughter hotspots, intercept illegal traders, and, most importantly, rescue donkeys from brutal deaths. We are not only protecting donkeys but also sending a strong message that animal cruelty is not tolerated. Read more.


Credit: NFA/David Barritt

Cape Town, South Africa – Fallen Angels are back on the road! A few months ago, our partner’s animal rescue vehicle was tragically totaled in a car accident. But today, we are thrilled to share that we have successfully covered the insurance shortfall for the new vehicle – and it’s all thanks to your unwavering support! Watch the video…


Credit: NFA/Byron Seale

Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in October. They are deeply grateful for your kindness, and so are we. 

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

Banner credit: NFA/David Barritt


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