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December was a profoundly sad month for the Network for Animals team as we said goodbye to our beloved founder, animal welfare champion Brian Davies. Having spent his entire adult life fighting for the lives of animals great and small, he died at the age of 87 following a long illness. His wife, Gloria, together with the NFA team, promise to honor Brian’s legacy by continuing his wonderful work, and in December (as in every month), that is exactly what we did - thanks, as always, to your support.



Homeless dogs and cats of the Balkans faced a cold, miserable and hungry winter, while all around them, people celebrated the joys of the festive season. Twelve of our partners on the ground begged for our support in feeding 2,900 animals in their care - animals who scrounge for scraps during freezing, wet winters, and usually go to sleep hungry. We reached out for your support, and you came through for our desperate four-legged friends. You helped ensure that the animals will have food in their bellies and a chance to see another summer. Read the original story.


Harare, Zimbabwe

If you have followed NFA for some time, you may know of our excellent partner, the Friend Animal Foundation (FAF) in Harare. The shelter was in danger of shutting down when we stepped in. With your help, we saved FAF and the hundreds of dogs and cats in its care. Our goal now is to transform the shelter into Africa’s first fully sustainable animal sanctuary. Doing this will help FAF save money on expensive overheads and use the savings to greatly improve the lives of the long-term animal residents in its care. Your support has helped us begin reaching our goal, but we still have a way to go. Read the original story.

Credit: The Friend Animal Foundation

Mirongoine, Tanzania

In the poor, dusty village of Mirongoine, donkeys are forced to do back-breaking work under truly inhumane conditions, in order to carry goods to and from a market over a distance of 10 miles (16 kilometers) in blistering heat. The animals receive no food or water all day, despite the fact that many are used to carry water! We had to get the donkeys shade and water, fast. You agreed, and thanks to your support, we will be able to lay pipes to get water to 1,000 donkeys at the market and provide a shady resting spot for the animals between their labors. We know that these poor donkeys, now experiencing human kindness for the very first time, are deeply grateful for your support. Read the original story.


Cape Town, South Africa

Over the festive season, our partner TEARS experiences a surge in the number of dumped animals arriving at its shelter or found on the streets. Some people throw out older or sick animals in favor of a ‘cuter’ puppy or kitten, or go on holiday and abandon their animals at the shelter, never to return. TEARS, a hard-working and long-time partner of NFA, was desperate for additional funding to help deal with this heartbreaking influx. The festive season is a time of giving, and you donated generously to help us support the tragic, now-homeless animals in TEARS’ care. Thank you. Read the original story.


2022 in review

WATCH: Together, we achieved SO much for the animals in 2022. Your compassion, generosity and unfailing support enabled us to reach thousands of cats, dogs, donkeys and other animals in terrible distress. Watch our year-end video now to see how your support changed and saved precious little lives in 2022. Read the full story.

In remembrance of animal hero, Brian Davies: 1935-2022

Brian Davies devoted his life to the animals he loved so much. From the world’s smallest creatures to its largest, Brian fought for every abused, downtrodden and desperate animal he encountered. He never gave up, not even as he ailed, and neither will we. Network for Animals will honor Brian’s memory, and his legacy, by continuing his crusade for animals in need around the world. Read the obituary.

Good news updates

A happy ending for Ukraine war miracle dog, Kaya! Read the update (and see the remarkable photos!).

Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Thanks to your support, beautiful abandoned dogs like Floki and Mara now have a better chance of finding new homes. Read the update.

Credit: Vanja Jecmenica in Montenegro

We are thrilled to let you know that your support has enabled us to start bringing much-needed relief to the donkeys of Geita gold mines in Tanzania. Read the update.


Gloria’s Little Acts of Kindness program - made possible by your support - has brought relief to hundreds of Greek cats, desperate dogs and cats in Ukraine, shelter animals in South Africa, and a 10-year-old abandoned horse who has been given a second chance.

Credit: Nine Lives Greece

Finally - a little good news for the survivors of the tragic Jindo Love Rescue fire in South Korea: your support has helped rebuild the shelter. Read the full story and see the new shelter here.

Credit: Jindo Love Rescue

In the news

Two United States women found guilty of feeding street cats. Read the full story.

Credit: New York Post

As we enter a new year, what we know for sure is that countless animal crises await. Please help us to be ready to tackle any emergency we face by continuing to support our life-saving work. It is only through your support that we can reach the animals who need us so urgently.

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