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Large or small, your donation means the world to needy, desperate and forgotten animals. Because of your kind generosity, Network for Animals (NFA) continues to help hundreds of thousands of animals around the globe. Here are just some of the ways your donations have recently supported precious souls in need:

The Philippines

Imagine being pregnant while being savagely hacked by a heartless human, knowing you could give birth at any moment. Imagine how you must feel, believing no one in the world loves you and will come to your aid. Imagine giving birth in a garbage-strewn ditch or rain-soaked street corner, then watching helplessly as your precious puppies grow weaker and more lethargic by the day. With your support, we helped save the precious lives of three stray mama dogs and their litters of newborn pups from the most unimaginable fate. Your kind donations also helped us provide life-saving support in the form of food, shelter and medical care to many other brave mamma dogs and their pups sheltered at Cagayan de Oro Animal Rescue (CAR).


When we found Yupi lying in a gutter in Manila, it was touch-and-go as to whether this little ginger cat would survive. He was covered in crusty and painful scabs, terribly emaciated and severely dehydrated. With our partners from Love and Hope for Stray Animals (LHFSA) and your incredible support, we were able to pay for his treatment and rehabilitation. A kind-hearted animal lover is currently fostering Yupi until he is well enough to go to a forever home. We are happy to report that he is healing fast, has gained weight and his coat is now shiny and soft.

South Africa

We received a phone call saying a donkey was dying in South Africa’s Cederberg mountains. When we rushed to investigate, we couldn’t believe the state of this poor girl we named Meisie, When we rescued her. Meisie had been so badly neglected that her hooves had developed ‘slipper foot,’ a condition where hooves grow wrongly and cripple the donkey. She also had an extremely compromised immune system and needed urgent intensive care. What is certain is that Meisie would have died without the support animal lovers like you give to Network for Animals. Today, she is safe and being cared for at the Karoo Donkey Sanctuary.



You were just as horrified as us when you heard how four young puppies were callously thrown from the back of a moving truck and left to die. The shocking act of cruelty happened on New Year's Eve, outside the APA El Refugio animal shelter's gates in Uruguay. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to provide medical treatment to these pups, but sadly, two of the pups’ wounds were just too severe, and they didn't make it. Still, your donations made a lifesaving difference to the other puppies at the shelter, all abandoned, each one needing help for food and medical care. We have been helping finance APA El Refugio for four years and it's only because of people like you that this work continues.



Recently, we told you about two donkeys named Alfie and Nicky who needed emergency treatment. Alfie fell victim to a steel-jawed bear trap which painfully severed her foot, and Nicky, a four-month-old donkey, was beaten with sticks and a chair so hard that it caused rectal prolapse. Thanks to our supporters’ generosity, both donkeys are being treated by our partner, the Starting Over Sanctuary, and are going to survive.

In the village of Givat Tal, local people are setting bear traps for wild animals, and donkeys are getting caught in them. Our team was called to rescue a donkey found with a severed front leg and bleeding profusely. NFA’s partner, Starting Over Sanctuary, rushed the donkey, who we named Alfie, to the town of Beit Dagan for emergency medical treatment. There, it was discovered she was pregnant! With your help, we were able to fund Alfie’s hospitalization, medical tests, and operations - and save her unborn foal - but more still needs to be done. We are hoping that with your continuous support, we can get Alfie a prosthetic limb and get her back on her feet again.


Vicious children found Nicky abandoned in a field and proceeded to beat her with a chair and wooden sticks. The children beat her so hard that it caused rectal prolapse. Poor Nicky was left in a bloodied heap in the sand, barely clinging to life. Our partner, the Animal Environment Association, found her and rescued her. Nicky was then treated by our partner, Starting Over Sanctuary. Your donations allowed us to pay for emergency surgery and it worked. Nicky still has a long way to go; she is suffering from severe malnutrition and swelling on her body as a result of the blows. We are giving her fortified food and the best possible love, and she is showing improvement every day.

A Birthday Celebration for A Great Cause

A big thank you to all our supporters who joined us in celebrating our profound love for all animals by donating to NFA in celebration of our founder, Brian Davies’ 86th birthday! Your kind generosity will enable us to expand Brian’s lifelong crusade to more countries for more animals - from abused dogs and cats to exploited donkeys, battered fighting horses, trafficked baby elephants, and more.


Thank you again for your generous donations, which have made these lifesaving campaigns possible. Your donations make a massive difference to the lives of so many animals that need our help.

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