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During October, your donations were pivotal to our animal welfare work around the world. Here’s how your support last month helped us reach hundreds of dogs, cats, donkeys and horses in desperate need - animals who now have a second chance because of you.


We have been helping animals in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, and we are still there when many other organizations have moved on. In October, we urged you to continue supporting our critical work in Ukraine, and here is how your life-saving donations helped ease suffering.

Your donations supported a dangerous mission to the volatile region of Kupiansk in Kharkiv - an area recently freed from Russian control, and from which we had received urgent pleas for help. We had only a small window of opportunity to get to the animals while Russia geared up for a fresh onslaught. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to send in our partner, Vetmarket Pluriton, to deliver food to starving animals and rescue those critically injured like Kupidon, who had his leg ripped almost entirely off (likely by bomb blast or flying shrapnel), and a mother cat and her kittens.

Our next rescue mission with Vetmarket was to the region of Lyman in Donetsk, where more pitiful animals awaited our help. Your support pays for fuel for our vehicles, critical medical supplies to treat wounded animals, and food for the starving dogs and cats on the ground. Since the start of the war, we have promised to be there for the animals who so desperately need us for as long as it takes, and thanks to your support, that is exactly what we’ve been able to do. Read the original story.

Credit: Vetmarket Pluriton

Amman, Jordan

In Jordan, we and our partners work towards improving life for street dogs - considered ‘pests’ in this part of the world. Apart from the many dangers these animals face on a daily basis - including being intentionally maimed, shot or run over - they also have to battle the pain of constant hunger. Our partners, like the Al Rahmeh shelter near Amman, do their best to feed and care for hundreds of homeless, abused and sick animals, but with so much need and so few people who care, there is often not enough to go around. The shelter is completely overrun with dogs and there is simply no space for more, but at the very least, they try to feed the animals living on the streets.

This month, we reached out to you with an urgent plea for dog food. Dogs - some of them nursing puppies - root around in rubbish bins for any scraps they can find, and we badly wanted to provide them with a square meal. Thanks to your generosity, we’ve been able to provide the dogs in and around the Al Rahmeh shelter with meals every day for a month. Thank you for filling their hungry little bellies with love. Read the original story.


Northern Cape, South Africa

The horrifically cruel sport of bush racing is a terrible scourge in poverty-stricken parts of the Northern Cape in South Africa. Horses and donkeys are pushed to their limit as they are forced to race each other while spectators bet on who will win. The animals are intentionally injured, cruelly tied up and gratuitously abused by the criminals who own them. Our partner, Have a Heart Equine Sanctuary (HAHES), intercepted an illegal bush racing ring but, while empowered to remove the horses, did not have the funds to do so. Thanks to your support, we were able to raise the funds needed to begin confiscating the animals and taking them to a place of safety. We will keep you updated on our progress. Read the original story.


Gloria’s Little Acts of Kindness

Our Gloria Davies Little Acts of Kindness program is made possible by your donations and enables us to lend a helping ‘paw’ to shelters in urgent need. In October, we donated $1,000 (£870) to Help a Paw in South Africa’s Western Cape, which feeds and sterilizes animals in the impoverished Macassar township. The funds were used for food and blankets for cats and dogs during the coldest part of winter. Every time you donate to Network for Animals, you change an animal’s life. Thank you!


Good news updates:

WATCH: Althea’s amazing transformation

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll remember Althea, a horrifically abused donkey rescued by our partner MARES in Zimbabwe. She had been axed 15 times and set upon by dogs - all because she’d been hungry and looking for food. So many of you were invested in her recovery and we’re thrilled to show you just how well she’s doing today. Read the original story.

WATCH: 200 formerly abused donkeys relocated to safety in France

Did you know that donkeys can fly? A little while ago, you helped us raise money to relocate 200 donkeys from Israel to France, after our partner, Starting Over Sanctuary (SOS), ran out of space for all the rescued donkeys in its care. The relocation was a success and today, 200 formerly abused, neglected and traumatized donkeys are living out their days at the beautiful La Tanière sanctuary near Paris. Read the original story.

Credit: George Homs

Pregnant street dog Kwikwi’s puppies are thriving

Your support has enabled us to help Kwikwi ever since our team met her in Arusha, Tanzania, in August. She was pregnant and living in a storm drain on the street. Today, her puppies are healthy and thriving, but Kwikwi - who has a chronic full-body tremor - still faces a long road to recovery. Read the full update.

Vucjak shelter gets their much-needed water system

A few months ago, you helped us raise enough money to install a desperately-needed water system at the Vucjak shelter in Serbia, which rescues and cares for dogs abandoned by the ghastly hunting industry. “Thank you to our global community and the AMAZING team from Network for Animals, who came to the shelter and paid for equipment to get our water well working. We are so grateful for all their hard work and dedication to our animals,” said Dejan from Vucjak shelter. Read the original story.


As always, it is thanks to your donations that we’re able to provide help, and a glimmer of hope, to animals in need around the world. Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in October.

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