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NFA rushes aid to help California fire animals

Amidst the most catastrophic fire to sweep the State of California in modern history, and after a careful but quick evaluation of many reputable and deserving organizations working to help animals, Network for Animals today rushed a substantial donation to the North Valley Animal Disaster Group (NVADG).

“Located in Butte County, NVADG is the organization officially authorized to provide temporary shelter for evacuated and stray animals from what, so far, is the area’s most affected – Paradise, California,” noted David Barritt, NFA campaign director.

“NVADG works alongside Butte County Animal Control, which is part of the Incident Command established for the Camp Fire disaster.”

At last report 141,000 acres had been wiped out in Butte County with 63 fatalities and almost 12,000 structures, including homes, burned to the ground.

Barritt continued, “NFADG is the only organization that is authorized to go into the evacuation area to look for and care for animals left behind. 100% of NFA’s donation will go directly towards rescue and care for animals impacted by the devastating Camp Fire.”

Network for Animals, with a worldwide support base of more than 750,000, is dedicated to always put the animals first and maximize donor support. NFA leapt into action to raise funds to help animals during and after Hurricanes Harvey and Florence, and donated every penny raised – more than $100,000 – to rescue efforts in Houston and the Carolinas.

“In the case of the California fires which spread so quickly because of the Santa Anna winds, there was no time for fundraising. The animals needed us, so we immediately wrote a check,” said Barritt.

“We are grateful for the support of our donors which enables us to act fast in such situations – and also to the many people, including Abby Severson, who helped identify the North Valley Animal Disaster Group.

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