Livingstone Masija, chief executive officer of the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA) in Tanzania, gives thanks to Network for Animals for its support.

Shireen Williams the founder of Fallen Angels thanks Network for Animals. Shireen is dedicated to helping animals in need like the adorable puppy in this testimonial. She works tirelessly in the townships of South Africa which are riddled with crime, poverty, and gang violence to rescue animals in need.

The Friend Animal Foundation is the only private, open admission, no kill companion animal shelter in Zimbabwe.

Julie Marzio, founder of Fur-Get-Me-Knot in South Africa, gives thanks to Network for Animals for its support.

Fiona Sawney runs Friends of Dogs, Montenegro. We support her so that she can save the abandoned dogs of Montenegro. With NFA’s backing, Fiona and a group of local animal welfare activists have visited all 23 municipalities in Montenegro and documented the barriers they face when dealing with street dogs. They have also assessed the shelters against the legal standards, which are generally not well enforced. With good information, Friends of Dogs Montenegro will be able to highlight the problems and difficulties and lobby for the government to address them. Watch her testimonial to find out more about how she is working with Network for Animals to rescue defenseless dogs struggling to survive in Montenegro.

Magda Bergele, a volunteer for Ghost Dogs of Aspropyrgos in Greece, gives thanks to Network for Animals for its support.

A testimonial from Claire Einhorn who runs Matabeleland Animal Rescue Equine Sanctuary (MARES) our partner in Zimbabwe. Thanks to Network for Animals over 300 donkeys who have found sanctuary at MARES have medical supplies and food to last them through winter. The coronavirus crisis has disrupted life in Zimbabwe making it harder to transport food and medicine to the donkeys. Thanks to your donations the donkeys at MARES will continue to receive the love and care they need.

Network for Animals and Shaygam Newman work tirelessly together to stop the suffering of the animals in Hangberg. The area is sadly known for its high levels of unemployment, poverty, violence, and gangsterism. Shaygam is the founder of Shaygam’s shelter. He found refuge amongst street dogs when he had to flee from home to escape an abusive relative. Shaygam vowed to make it his life’s mission to repay the stray dogs by caring for them. In 2019 he won the Brian Davies Award for all his efforts.

Mandy Store is the operations manager of TEARS animal shelter. TEARS saves abandoned, hurt and sick animals in Cape Town. TEARS also assist pet owners in impoverished communities in South Africa. Last year TEARS helped 683 cats and dogs. NFA financially supports Mandy's work so that we can rescue as many suffering animals as we can.

Thank you from Dianna (West Bank)

Animal and Environment Association (AEA) in Bethlehem Palestine is the only animal shelter situated in the West Bank. Founded by Diana Babish in 2016,  the organisation provides a safe environment for thousands of dogs and cats and works with the local authorities to prevent the poisoning and shooting of dogs as a brutal form of animal control.

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