In June, your support helped reach dogs, cats, donkeys and horses in desperate need around the world. Here is how your donations made a difference.
A brand-new, modern dog shelter for the ‘rubbish dump dogs’ of Trebinje.
We are extremely proud to tell you that after 18 months’ hard work, Network for Animals has completed the construction of a $320 000 state-of-the-art dog shelter in the city of Trebinje in Herzegovina. In 2021, our team visited the old municipal shelter situated on the city rubbish dumb. It was here that we met dogs like Ljupce, a critically ill and miserable three-legged street dog living in horrific conditions and covered in flies. She was just one of the 70 dogs dumped with the rubbish and waiting to die. Ljupce’s suffering was the spark that ignited the fire within us – we could NOT stand by and allow this suffering to continue.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the cooperation of the Trebinje authorities, the rubbish dump ‘home’ for Trebinje’s street dogs has been consigned to the history books. The new $320,000 (£257,000) shelter sets high standards for the care of abandoned and street dogs in the Balkan nations.
Network for Animals works around the world fighting a heartbreaking, never-ending battle to improve the lives of animals and this was a place where our help was sorely needed. We, and the street dogs of Trebinje, are eternally grateful for your support in making this new shelter a reality!
Watch the video here and see the original story here.

Rebuilding the Al Rabee animal shelter following a devastating flood.
Recently, a freak flood devastated the Al Rabee shelter, home to over 500 dogs in Aqaba, Jordan. Heavy rain caused severe flooding and destroyed everything in its path, including the shelter’s kennels, retaining walls, and fencing. Tragically, two dogs lost their lives.
Every dog at Al Rabee was rescued from the streets of Aqaba where they faced terrible cruelty – beaten, gunned down, poisoned, and even dragged behind vehicles. The support we provide to our partner, the Al Rabee shelter, is the only lifeline for the dogs, and we appealed to you to help them following the disaster. Thanks to your compassionate hearts, we were able to donate $10,000 (£7,900) towards rebuilding efforts and emergency supplies for the shelter. Thank you for being a friend to the tragedy-stricken dogs of Al Rabee.

Providing overworked equines in Petra with critically needed medicine.
In the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, donkeys and horses suffer unending pain, lugging tourists up and down treacherous, slippery paths to a monastery that sits at the summit of a hill. The animals work day after day under an unforgiving desert sun with NO relief. Saddles tear through their flesh, they are besieged by flies and they hopelessly hobble on agonizingly sprained ankles. During a recent visit to the only animal clinic in the region, Bedouin donkey owners and local veterinarians desperately pleaded with our team for assistance in equipping the center with medical supplies.
We care deeply about donkeys and horses, and we know animal lovers like you do too. We reached out with a desperate plea for support, and thanks to your donations, we were able to rush critically needed medicines to the severely overworked equines of Petra. Your heart went out to these gentle animals and you have played a huge role in easing their suffering.

Conducting mass spay and neuter programs for street cats and dogs in Nairobi slums.
In Nairobi, Kenya, tens of thousands of street cats and dogs roam the city, unfed, uncared for and abused. With shelters bursting at the seams and no government help, their numbers grow relentlessly. Our partner, the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (KSPCA), is confronted with this situation every day, and runs regular spay and neuter campaigns in poor areas to improve the lives of animals. But with no government support and extremely limited resources, the team desperately needs our help to continue their vital work.
We promised to help the KSPCA reach animals in need in a community bordering Kibera – the largest and poorest slum in Africa. Through your support, we have officially launched this critical, collaborative project to conduct ongoing critical spay and neuter programs and provide medical supplies to vaccinate animals against rabies and treat their injuries. Your donation will spare Nairobi’s stray animals from lives of unspeakable anguish – thank you.

Rescuing four-legged victims from flood waters amid Kakhovka Dam destruction.
In early June, the Kakhovka Dam in Russian-controlled Ukraine was destroyed, causing lethal flooding along the Dnieper River. The catastrophe forced humans to evacuate, leaving countless animals alone, helpless, hungry and terrified. We promised to help the animals of Ukraine until the war is over and last month, they needed our support amid one of their worst crises yet.
Since the start of the war, our partner Vetmarket Pluriton has traveled into some of the most dangerous, devastated parts of Ukraine to feed and evacuate animals. Once again, they were ready to urgently help animals in Kherson, one of the worst affected areas, but they desperately needed our support. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to equip our team with a boat, animal transportation crates and pet food so they could rush to the region and save stranded animals.
Read the original articles here and here.

Latest Updates
Worldwide – Honoring the work of an animal welfare hero AND doubling your impact. In late May, we told our supporters that their donations would be matched by a long-time NFA supporter who wished to honor the memory of NFA’s remarkable, animal-saving founder, Brian Davies. We are overjoyed to announce that thanks to your support, we have officially reached our goal of $100,000! You have doubled your impact for animals around the world. Read more…

Cape Town, South Africa – Giving hope and happiness to horses in need. Following a burglary at Tom Ro Haven, a rescue and rehabilitation organization for neglected horses and ponies, we knew we had to step in and help. Your support allowed us to assist with the replacement of critically needed horse blankets. Read more about our work for abandoned and abused equines worldwide.

Cape Town, South Africa – Touching testimonial from TEARS Animal Rescue. TEARS is one of our many proud partner organizations. It’s your donations that keep these organizations in operation and allow us to support the invaluable services they provide to animals in need. We could not do it without you! Watch the video…

Cape Town, South Africa – Keeping the doors of Pit Pals open. Thanks to your wonderful and continuous support, we were able to make a much-needed donation to Pit Pals, a no-kill organization working hard to rescue and rehabilitate abused dogs. Pit Pals were on the brink of closing their doors – but because of you, the animals have hope and warm beds. It is winter in South Africa; your support is SO deeply appreciated. Read more…

Harare, Zimbabwe – Giving cats the gift of freedom. By covering the costs of their sterilization, we were able to assist our dedicated Zimbabwean partner, the Friend Animal Foundation, in moving three young cats from their small, isolated enclosures to the foundation’s spacious and beautiful cattery. They are so happy, thanks to you! Watch the video…

In the News
UK Diverges from EU Rules with Cosmetics Animal Testing Ban. Read more.

Thank you for being a friend to the animals of the world in June. They are deeply grateful for your kindness, and so are we.
Banner credit: Reuters; In the News credits: Image 1: Siqui Sanchez