After what feels like the longest year, the holidays are here. Soon we’ll see the dawn of 2021, and what we hope are better days to come.

From ALL of us in your Network for Animals family,
thank you for your steadfast support and your faithful friendship that have
helped animals in desperate need around the world in 2020.

You count on NFA to always put animals first. And we do!

Which is why we MUST tell you: COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc for animals.

The bad guys... the ones who abuse innocent creatures for profit or out of cruel indifference... will NOT take the holidays off!

So, before we look back on some of the soaring triumphs you made possible in 2020 despite a global pandemic, please give as generously as you can by midnight on December 31st for ALL the animals still out there in urgent need of help.

Everything we do for animals would not be possible without friends like you!

As you read these words, a brave little street dog called Pepe is taking some of his first steps. This sweet boy - whose ONLY crime was being a street dog in Jordan with no home of his own - was dragged behind a car as a sadistic form of punishment and torture.


Pepe was in shock, and he came as close to death as any dog we’ve seen.

One look at his massive wounds makes you sick, picturing how valiantly he must have tried to keep up with the vehicle that cruelly dragged him. But you NEVER turned away. That’s why Pepe’s heart and body are healing a little more every day!

If not for your kind donations, our partners and friends like the Al Rabee shelter could never help animals like Pepe. It’s why our battle against cruelty to street dogs still needs you. For EVERY Pepe on the streets this holiday, please give today.

You also helped relocate dozens of donkeys who were destined for gruesome deaths in the Chinese donkey skin trade, to a lush, paradise-on-earth of a sanctuary in Limpopo, South Africa. Dozens more now await their chance, and after the absolute living hell that awaited them in the skin trade, it’s a costly - but urgently needed priority. Your year-end donation of any size now can help give the donkeys secure, happy futures.


In 2020 your love for animals was even there when crisis piled on top of crisis...

In the blazing hellscapes of the US West Coast and Australian bush fires, you rescued, sheltered, and healed animals arriving with everything from charred paws to scorched lungs.

From horses to cats, to koalas to dogs, you kept Network for Animals working on multiple continents when the cry went out. Even the future of elephants is changing because of you!


That’s right, the “big tusk” gene for elephants has the chance to survive thanks to your support for an ambitious conservation project to safely and humanely translocate Tembe, a rare “giant tusker” elephant in South Africa.

The move was a massive success and is such a win for global conservation, that the documentary made about it, Moving Giants, won Best Wildlife Conservation Film.

NFA’s executive director David Barritt said, “it’s just one example of how the generosity of the human spirit is working to protect and conserve vulnerable animals.”


And it’s true...

All in, your love is there to fund animal welfare projects, provide medicines and veterinary care, feed the starving, and fight cruelty... at EVERY turn, on the ground in 25 countries.

Please give now to help NFA finish this year strong for animals still waiting and start just as strong in the first days of 2021. The bad guys are NOT resting for the holidays!

In many instances, the animals have only us, and we don’t have a prayer of helping them without your continued support. We mean this quite literally.


You see, the majority of NFA’s work is DIRECT ACTION.

That means we put boots on the ground to help animals primarily in remote countries that larger groups tend not to prioritize.

The dollar or pound (donations in any currency) stretches far in these places, which is good for animals. But the abuse of animals is often orders of magnitude more heartbreaking than in more developed countries, and the need for help so important, that we give it even though our teams go into places where they put their own lives on the line simply by being there.


Without help from people like you, our work to help thousands of sweet animals would grind to a halt. Thank you for standing by the animals, and by our teams in the field, through thick and thin this year.

Please, today, be there with the animals and NFA again...

... Be a voice for those who can’t speak for themselves, like dear brave Pepe!
... Secure justice against animal abuse of EVERY kind!
... Stand up to cruel profiteers and help shut down illegal trades that torture and murder innocent creatures for profit!

Let YOUR donation to NFA now send a message to the bad guys:
We’re not taking the holidays off - and we are on your trail until
EVERY animal lives, breathes and heals, in peace!

Please, rush your year-end gift now if you can. Just click or tap here.


You can also set up a recurring donation via credit card each month if you prefer, to become an NFA monthly supporter and be there automatically for animals all year round.

But however you give, please help the animals by midnight on New Year’s Eve.
It’s not too late. It feels great. And all the animals still waiting will be forever grateful.

Keep love in your heart for animals - and stay safe!


For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. With the end of the year upon us and our budget nearly exhausted, we are asking you to please donate today so we can end 2020 strong and begin 2021 knowing we can continue to expand our crusade to help animals, despite the pandemic. Please give now if you possibly can. Thank you SO much - and happy, happy holidays to you, and your animal friends!

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