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Dogs are starving to death!

In the poor farm town of Calvinia, South Africa, more than 1,000 dogs are starving to death. The cause is a severe 8-year-long drought, compounded by COVID, which has brought desperate poverty. Crops have failed, and many farmworkers have lost their jobs which means they can’t afford to feed their dogs.

The scene on the ground is one of extreme and prolonged suffering, inevitably resulting in a terrible death for these famished dogs. We must rush emergency food to the area to help them. Please help!


Time is of the essence - we must act to relieve the suffering right now.
There is no animal shelter in the area to help.

When we learned of this tragic situation, we immediately dispatched our team. What we found was horrific, far worse than expected. Dogs were so thin that they were literally wasting away in abandoned, derelict yards. They were desperately searching for food with what little energy they had left. For many dogs, it was too late - all that remained was their skeletons. The dogs who survive do so by foraging in rubbish heaps, eating garbage and rotten meat.

The suffering doesn’t stop at hunger. Disease and abuse are also rampant in the town.
Dogs are suffering from eye infections and sexually transmitted diseases and are covered in fleas.

Our hearts broke when we saw Cody…

He was blind in both eyes because of a terrible infection. He couldn’t walk - he was slowly dying before our eyes. Kids had thrown stones at his head, causing gaping, festering wounds that never healed. Sadly, the most humane option was to put him to sleep - it was the only thing that would ease his suffering.


But, we can save the others if we act now.

We can ease the suffering of these dogs by rushing EMERGENCY FOOD to Calvinia.
We have people on the ground who can distribute it IMMEDIATELY.

Right now, four volunteers are doing what they can by feeding the dogs what little food can be scraped together. One of the amazing volunteers, Marienchen Du Toit, was making a four-hour round trip drive to purchase dog food. But they have completely run out of funds. When we arrived, she had only two bags of food left.

Two bags of food and no money means disaster for the dogs - all 1,000 of them!
We MUST rush food immediately!


We need to raise $5,000 (£3,600) to save them from starvation (and this is just for starters). Please donate what you can today.

Help save a weak, helpless dog from starving to death!

Right now, there is almost no hope for the dogs of Calvinia. No one seems to care!

But WE care, and we know that as an animal lover, YOU do too. Thank you in advance for donating whatever you can, today.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. This is a horrifying situation. Time is NOT on our side! We cannot, will not, turn our backs. The dogs' need for food is DESPERATE (but they also need water, medicine and shelter). Together, we are their only hope. Please, be as generous as you can.

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