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In Jordan, many dogs roam the streets abandoned and helpless. They are often thought of as pests and get brutally abused. Dogs are in a horrific situation here, and the corona crisis has made things much, much worse because during lockdown, food for street dogs is scarcer than ever.

Many Jordanians do not like dogs and treat them as vermin. The brave volunteers we support do their absolute best with the money our supporters provide for them, but the truth is…

Dogs in Jordan are dying every day, and we need your help. Much more aid MUST be given to help suffering dogs.

We are helping the dogs, but we can only bring about the dramatic changes so desperately required with YOUR HELP!!


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While we were visiting the Al Rahmeh animal shelter in Jordan, we learned about an awful accident - an abandoned dog was hit by a car. She was seen limping desperately back to her puppies. We rushed to the scene immediately. Some good Samaritans had moved the injured mother and her defenseless puppies to safety.

It was sad, yet heart-warming, to see Cassandra limping in agonizing pain, still lovingly nursing her puppies.


We named the mother Cassandra. X-rays revealed a broken hip. The situation was dire - her only chance of life was an expensive and specialized metal-plate, in order for her to be able to walk again. These are not available in Jordan. Without this plate, Cassandra would certainly die.


Help us to take action by donating today!

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After an international search, we sourced a bone plate in England. We managed to get the plate to Cassandra and the operation was a success. Unfortunately, it seems that she still needs specialized veterinary care and, as we write this, a search is under way to get her what she needs. She may well need to be taken for treatment to another country and that is expensive and challenging at a time when COVID-19 means that international travel is severely restricted. Cassandra is fighting bravely, and we will keep you posted on our battle to save this loving mother.

Remember, every animal life matters.

While we work to help her Cassandra and her puppies, they are being well cared for at the Al Rahmeh shelter. The shelter does fantastic work helping dogs on a very tight budget.

We need to do much, much more. She and her pups, and all the other dogs at the shelter, need food, medicine, treatment, blankets, and better housing. Please give generously today so we can help the poor, mistreated dogs of Jordan.

For the animals,


Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founders Network for Animals

P.S. We are making progress in Jordan thanks to YOUR support. We persuaded the government to stop shooting street dogs, and it has promised to set up feeding stations for them. We have also supplied funding to expand the Al Rahmeh animal shelter. THANK YOU so much for helping us achieve all of this, and please continue to donate so we can save dogs from lives of horror and give them hope of salvation.

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