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In the dusty region of Geita in Tanzania, 200 donkeys endure unimaginable pain, hauling punishingly heavy loads of discarded brick and rubble in outdated gold mining practices.


Every day, donkeys are forced to work beneath the scorching African sun with utterly no relief, their bodies marked with agonizing wounds and their spirits scarred by relentless acts of cruelty. The animals toil for hours amidst the treacherous terrain, struggling up and down steep embankments under crushing weights.

The suffering of these donkeys knows no bounds. We MUST help them, and we desperately need your support today.

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

Credit: NFA: Byron Seale

For over a year, we have been working alongside our partner, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA), to alleviate the suffering of these gentle creatures. Our monthly mobile clinics serve as a lifeline for the animals, providing crucial medical care and educating local miners on proper donkey welfare. But the donkeys need much more help.


Credit: NFA: Byron Seale

One heart-wrenching case involved a donkey named Aziza – meaning ‘powerful and beloved’ in Swahili. She suffered from a severe, untreated abscess to her hind leg, inflicting excruciating pain. Despite her agony, Aziza was still being forced to work in brutal conditions.

Aziza’s life hung in the balance, and without our immediate care, she would not have survived.

Left untreated, the abscess could have unleashed infection throughout Aziza’s body, potentially claiming her life. As animal lovers, we could not allow this to happen. Our team was able to lightly sedate Aziza, perform an emergency operation to drain the abscess and administer critically needed antibiotics and pain relievers. We also instructed Aziza’s owner not to subject her to work for at least a month to allow her to recover.


Credit: NFA: Byron Seale

Aziza pulled through, but the fate of other donkeys remains uncertain if we cannot continue our work. Her story is a harrowing reminder of the horrors these donkeys endure on a daily basis and how important it is for us to continue our life-saving mobile clinics in the region.

Rural people use donkeys as a means of transport because of the poor economy and difficult terrain. The locals can barely afford to look after themselves, let alone their donkeys. There is no one else to help these animals but us. We are their only hope.

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

Credit: NFA: Byron Seale

The first phase of our project to help the donkeys of Geita made up of monthly mobile clinics, is complete. Now, we must urgently launch phase two: conducting mobile clinics every three months.

If we can raise $12,000 (£9,800), we will conduct critical mobile clinics every three months for AN ENTIRE YEAR to deworm the donkeys and monitor severe cases, ensuring they receive the care they so desperately need. Please, will you help us?

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

Donkeys like Aziza highlight the urgency of our work in Tanzania. Your generosity will continue to make a world of difference in the lives of these gentle creatures who have seldom known kindness. So please, if you possibly can, donate generously to Network for Animals today.

For the animals,

Brian and Gloria Davies NFA Signature

Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Founder and CEO
Network for Animals

P.S. Our recent success in Aziza’s case is a testament to the impact of your donations. But countless other sick and wounded donkeys await our help. By funding our ongoing mobile clinics in the Geita region of Tanzania, you can help us provide suffering gold-mining donkeys with the care and relief they so deserve. Please donate today

Banner credit: NFA: Byron Seale

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