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In Corinth, Greece, a beautiful and gentle stray dog named Frida has endured unbearable pain and suffering for months after being heartlessly abandoned by her owners and then struck by a callous hit and run driver. Her heartbreaking story and unwavering spirit have touched our hearts, and we believe they will touch yours too.


Frida urgently needs a prosthetic leg to reclaim her life.
We're hoping you can find it in your heart to help.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Can you imagine the crushing despair and loneliness Frida felt when she was cruelly discarded like trash in a remote mountain area after outgrowing her "cute" puppy stage? She was left to fend for herself, utterly lost and terrified, with no hope of ever finding her way back home.

Can you imagine her confusion, fear and heartache after being so heartlessly abandoned by the only “pack” she had ever known?

Frida’s nightmare didn't end there…

Defenseless and bewildered, she was then the victim of a brutal hit and run incident while resting on the roadside. Her yelps of pain echoed through the mountains, reaching the ears of compassionate volunteers from Fratzeska’s shelter in Corinth, who tirelessly care for and feed abandoned animals in the region. They rushed to her aid, and thanks to their quick actions, Frida received life-saving veterinary care.


Tragically, the veterinarians discovered that Frida's back left leg was completely crushed beyond repair.
But with your help today, there's still hope for this brave girl!

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Frida is experiencing extreme discomfort and having difficulty moving around while dragging a heavy, damaged leg. With your support, we can cover the cost of Frida’s X-rays, surgical procedure to remove the leg, and long-term rehabilitation - including fitting her with a custom-made prosthetic leg.

Prosthetics are proven to significantly improve a disabled animal’s overall quality of life. Many dogs happily adjust to life and even thrive on three limbs, but we are determined to give Frida the full mobility, comfort and four-legged freedom that she deserves following her utterly hellish experience.

If we can raise $2,000 (£1,600), we will pay for Frida’s surgery and provide her with a prosthetic to replace the missing leg.

Can we (and sweet Frida!) count on you to help today?

Help us to take action by donating today!

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Your support means the world to us and the animals we strive to help. Any additional funds raised beyond Frida's prosthetic leg and medical expenses will be used to assist in the rescue and care of other needy animals. We kindly ask you to open your heart and donate generously today!

With every amount donated, you are giving Frida the chance to live a happier, healthier life and providing vital support to countless other animals in need. Your compassion will help transform their lives and give them a brighter future.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Please join us in making a lasting difference for these vulnerable souls. Your generosity is their lifeline.

Thank you for your kindness and unwavering support. Together, we can make miracles happen.

For the animals,


Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Frida is currently being cared for by kind people in Corinth while she awaits her forever home. Your generosity will give Frida a more comfortable life, and secure her a well-deserved second chance at finding a loving fur-ever home. Please be a friend to Frida by donating to Network for Animals today.

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