brian-davies brian-davies

We’ve are so close to achieving this incredible milestone! Your heartfelt contributions have brought us this far, and now, just a bit more support can propel us to reach our critical fundraising goal.

All of us at Network for Animals are thrilled to announce that one of our long-time supporters has provided a challenge that will, in effect, DOUBLE THE IMPACT of any donation you are able to send today to help the animals.

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

This donor has asked to remain anonymous. Her sole desire is to help animals and honor the life and passing of our redoubtable founder Brian Davies, by encouraging caring animal lovers like you to do the same.


This generous donor’s challenge is simple:

She will match, dollar for dollar, EVERY donation you make for the animals up to $100,000 (£80,000) – DOUBLING the life-saving good you’ll do!

The most amazing thing is there are absolutely no strings attached to this matching challenge. It’s all pure life-saving impact for animals who are suffering.

Brian died late last year, but if he was still with us, you can be certain he would move mountains to help viciously abused hunting dogs in Spain we recently told you about. Discarded dogs are brutally killed each year – starved, thrown down wells, beaten, shot, poisoned, or hung from trees. We are helping them now – but your donation will enable us to do even more, faster.


Animals around the world benefit from your donations – the poor hunting dogs in Spain – starving cats and street dogs, gentle donkeys trapped in the skin trade, and horses forced to fight to the death all benefit from your gifts.

EVERY dollar or pound you donate will go TWICE as far as it normally would!

Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

As a treasured and vital part of our Network for Animals family, you KNOW what a fearless and lifetime defender of animals Brian Davies was.


Brian, his wife Gloria, and dogs Max and Flora.

His passing last December 27th was such a blow. When he died peacefully in his sleep, his beloved wife Gloria at his side, Brian was 87.

He was an icon in the animal welfare movement, founding not only Network for Animals but two other animal welfare organizations – the International Fund for Animal Welfare and Animal Survival International – and was instrumental in seeing a ban achieved on the horrific slaughter of Canadian whitecoat baby seals AND a ban on the equally gruesome UK fox hunts involving the use of hounds.


Whatever the issue, be it the plight of seals, foxes, donkeys, great whales, dogs and cats, and so many more, Brian’s one question was always:

What would the animals want me to do?

Because just like you, Brian loved animals. ALL animals. He was particularly fond of dogs and welcomed five of them – four of them rescues – into his home over the years – Happy, Amber, Taffy, Max, and Flora. When Brian looked into their eyes, he saw all sentient beings who feel love and joy, fear and pain, just like the animal companions you’ve welcomed and loved in your own life.


No matter how much good he did, time and again, with your love for animals and your generous support by his side, Brian felt duty-bound to NEVER be silent. To never turn away!

How honored he would be to hear about this caring and generous matching challenge being made in his memory to help us fight on for animals with you, steadfast and true, by our side.

Again, the challenge is just as straightforward as it sounds.

A loyal Network for Animals supporter who loves all animals as you do wants to help double the life-saving impact of your donation by matching EVERY gift you make – dollar for dollar, pound for pound – up to $100,000 (£80,000).

That’s TWO TIMES as many abused, abandoned and outcast animals who can then receive the love and help they so desperately long for and urgently need.


Please help us to take action by donating today!

Click here to donate

Together, today, and always, let’s continue Brian’s brave work for the animals. Thank you for never turning away!

For the animals,


David Barritt
Executive Director
Network For Animals

P.S. Again, this amazing donor’s sole desire is to honor the life and passing of our tireless founder Brian Davies, by helping animals all animals – and to encourage caring animal lovers like you to do the same. Regardless of the size of your donation today (even if it is enough to save just one animal), thanks to this matching gift challenge, together we’ll save TWO precious lives. EVERY life is so very deeply worth it! Please donate now and have your donation matched right away. Thank you!

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