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Summer in the arid desert town of Aqaba, Jordan, can be an unbearable nightmare for people and animals alike.

Image1_credit_Al Rabee

Credit: Al Rabee

With temperatures soaring over 104°F (40°C) – sometimes reaching as high as 114°F (45°C) – vulnerable street dogs have no way to escape the heat, relying on the kindness of strangers for water and food. But in a country where dogs are seen as nothing but pests, kind-hearted souls are few and far between.

As summer takes its toll, we MUST rush life-saving water and food to abandoned, neglected dogs who are suffering in searing heat!

Our partner, the Al Rabee Society for Nature and Animal Protection, is the only animal shelter in the entire 144.8-square-mile (375km²) Aqaba area. With 500 dogs in its shelter and thousands of dogs crying for help, the team is completely overwhelmed, relying on generous donors like you to continue making a difference.

In the sweltering summer months, our partner ventures into the surrounding desert to provide crucial food and water for starving, dehydrated animals whenever their budget allows. But caring for 500 animals is expensive, and as temperatures reach unbearable heights, they cannot afford to send their team to help the desperate street dogs who rely on them for survival – not without your help.

Dehydrated dogs are a common sight in Aqaba’s sweltering summer months. We cannot let even more die. Please donate generously today!

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Credit: NFA/Vic Dobry

For young, old and injured street dogs, heatwaves spell almost certain death. A dehydrated puppy was recently found by a compassionate tourist, who gave the pup some much-needed water. 

Without our partner, street dogs like this sweet little puppy stand little chance of survival. The shelter is inundated with reports of desperately injured dogs, often maimed by heartless locals who detest dogs for no reason at all. Now, as heatwaves present yet another threat to their survival, the Al Rabee team is ready to leap into actionbut they urgently need your help.

Your donations will empower our partner to rent a convoy of vehicles, load them with water, food and medicine, and travel to some of the most desolate areas that street dogs call home. 

If we can raise $5,000 (£3,900), we can get water to thirsty dogs and treat those facing life-threatening injuries and dehydration. Your contributions will directly support these critical efforts and help save more lives.


Pushed to the outskirts of society, these street dogs have no-one to turn to but us. Please help us fund crucial rescue missions, providing water and food amidst devastating heat!

Our partner’s shelter is already bursting at the seams, but should they find dogs facing life-threatening injuries, they will make a plan to rescue them. 

If your generosity exceeds our goal, the extra funds will help us build new intake enclosures so they can rescue even more animals, and invest in crucial solar power to help ensure that the dogs receive the best possible care. 

Every day that we do not act, more street dogs face dehydration and death. Time is of the essence – please donate generously today!

For the animals,

Gloria Signature

P.S. Abandoned to wander the desert in scorching heat, these vulnerable dogs cluster around remote petrol stations, scavenging for scraps. Without our partner, they face near certain death. Please help us rush them life-saving water by donating as much as you can today!

Banner credit: NFA/Vic Dobry

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