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Molly is one of an estimated 18 to 20 million street dogs in Mexico. She was found bewildered and in a sickening state on a street in Hidalgo and taken to our partner clinic by a volunteer. This tiny dog had been hit on the back of her head with such force that it caused both eyes to bulge out of their sockets. Tragically, the vet could not save her eyes, and both were surgically removed. Molly will be blind for the rest of her life, but we are hopeful she will soon find a forever home. No matter what happens, we will protect Molly.


Image credit: FAR

Street dogs in Mexico desperately lack love, care, and safety. In the impoverished area of Hidalgo, street dogs are unsterilized, abandoned by owners and left to roam the streets in search of any food and shelter they can find. Mexico is also one of the worst nations for abusing animals, and hundreds of thousands of street dogs fall victim to terrible maltreatment, including being kicked, stoned and beaten.


Image credit: FAR

No dog should ever have to experience the hell on earth that Molly did. But there are so many more dogs like her who need us, and we can only reach them with your help.

Help us to take action by donating today!

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With our help, our partner, the Fiona Animal Refuge (FAR), provides free veterinary care for impoverished communities in Hidalgo, Abasolo and Mina - near Monterrey. There is a lack of compassion and understanding for a dog's needs in these communities and this is the reason why every year FAR rescues and cares for thousands of abandoned, abused and neglected dogs. It is only with your support that we can ensure they can continue spay and neuter campaigns and make a dent in the ever growing population and help save dogs like tragic little Molly.

THIS IS NO LIFE FOR A DOG - it is a matter of SURVIVAL.


Image credit: FAR

So many animals are cruelly abandoned, and for street dogs in Mexico, every day is a battle just to live another day. We are doing our best to reach as many as we can, but it is only possible with your support.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Please help us to raise $5,000 (£4,040) so we can help the many dogs who pass through FAR’s doors. Your support will help us improve the quality of life for these dogs by providing vital sterilizations, medicines, and providing critical care.


Image credit: FAR

We helped save Molly, a gentle soul who has suffered unspeakable cruelty, but she is just one of MILLIONS of abandoned and abused dogs in Mexico. To help them, we need your help to raise as much as possible so the FAR team can continue to rescue, treat, shelter and rehome street animals in impoverished areas.

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Your donations will give street dogs the second chance they deserve.. Even a small amount will go a long way towards providing these dogs with the essential care they need. Your support will make a real difference.


Image credit: FAR

Help us to take action by donating today!

Donate today

Please, donate today, as much as you possibly can, so we can help dogs like Molly. Without FAR’s support, made possible by your generosity and compassion for animals, these dogs would have no hope.

For the animals,


Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!)
Network for Animals

P.S. Millions of animals across Mexico suffer from daily abuse, neglect, unsuitable shelter and abandonment. Most homeless animals are unsterilized, thus only increasing the number of unwanted animals on the streets (more spay and neuter clinics are needed). It is crucial to continue helping the street dogs of Mexico. Please donate as generously as you can today so our partners can continue to fulfill their duty to animals like Molly.

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